Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

We continued our straight line across the Pacific. Today the sea is dead calm, we are experiencing the doldrums. The air is getting cooler, bathing suit and short weather will come to an end for the stalwart ones today. It ended for the rest of us yesterday.
 We lost another hour last night and as a result we woke a bit late, too late for breakfast in the dining room. We got dressed and went to Horizon Court because we wanted to go to hear the lecture by George McGuire. His topic today was Sir Francis Drake in the Pacific Ocean. So we both had a light breakfast, cereal and fruit, and then we headed for the theatre. George was up to his usual high standard and we enjoyed him immensely.
He finished at 10:45 and there was to be a Good Friday service in the theatre at 11:30. That gave me time to check out the ten dollar sale ( there was nothing new so again my card stayed put away).
To my delight there is now a display of Easter decorations in the Piazza. I was able to get several photos and a skinny latte before heading back to the theatre.

 The service was interdenominational and it was being conducted by Chaplain Allen Brooks and Pastor Julianne Barlow. Pastor Barlow did most of the service. It was actually quite nice and Ken and I enjoyed it. The hymns were familiar and we were able to sing along. They announced that there will be a communion service on Sunday. It will also be in the theatre.
Right after the service there was a lecture by Roy Prevost. His topic was Pirates of the high seas. I must admit that he does not impress me. Mainly he has a power point presentation which he reads. He knows only what is on the screen or at least he only presents what is on the screen. I could do better with my eyes closed.
When he was finished boring us we decided to take in the Pub Lunch today. Ken went back to the room to get his beer while I waited for him. I met Ken Connelly (our table mate from dinner) and he and I visited as the line moved slowly. We were at the door and neither Ziutka nor Ken had arrived. I waited outside for them both and Ken went inside and got us a table. Ziutka arrived first but within the next minute Ken came along.
We had a very nice lunch together. They even showed us a couple of card games and we may just get together tomorrow to play.
After lunch I came back to the room to Blog and Ken went topside to get more sun.
After blogging and having a short nap it was time to get ready for dinner. Tonight was American night with a tribute to the assistant waiters and the parade of the Baked Alaskan.

Ziutka skipped dinner because she is fasting because of Good Friday.
On the way to the Vista we checked out some of the pictures that have been taken by Princess. We will not be buying any this voyage.
We went early to the Vista Lounge because we wanted a seat for the show with Scott Harris. He was very funny as we expected.
Then we decided to come back here and call it a night. We lose an hour again tonight. We will finally be back to Pacific Daylight Saving time.

Tomorrow George’s talk is an hour earlier, at 9:00 so we will have breakfast in our room. The order has been placed on the door.

1 comment:

dslrig said...

Some of that sunshine is supposed to come back with you---at least for your first few days home!!
Marg and Dave are ready to move in as you move out-----and I might be in the big suitcase!
See you soon.