Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31st

March 31st,
It is sunrise and the ship is within sight of the port of Lahaina on the island of Maui. I have gotten a couple of very nice sunrise pictures. 

This is a tender port and we have a beach day planned. We have to be in the Princess theatre at 9:45 so we can enjoy a leisurely breakfast. The sea is flat calm and it appears as if the sun will be shining all day. There is not a cloud in the sky.
Yesterday was great. As you have no doubt guessed the internet connection returned and I was able to get you caught up on our journey. We were in Nawiliwili on the island of Kauai.

 Within sight of the ship was a very nice beach. Because we could not get to the lighthouse ( it is closed on Monday) we did not book an excursion.  We decided to walk over to that beach.
Because we were not in a rush we went to the dining room and had a very nice breakfast. We dined with a couple from Langley and a gentleman from North Van. I am certain that more than three quarters of the ship is from British Columbia.
Anyway after eating we made our way back to our stateroom and we got our swimsuits on, and gathered our things and away we went. The walk was about 7 minutes.
We discovered that there are several free shuttles that run back and forth from the ship to different malls and our beach was at one of them. We had a quick look and decided that this would be a grand place to do our shopping before heading back to the ship. We could take a free shuttle and not worry about juggling packages. But first things first.
 We found a nice spot on the sand and enjoyed an hour or so playing in the water. There was a nice cooling breeze and the sun was not bright so that was a perfect prescription for sun burn. We were careful not to stay too long.

We went into and out of the stores and found our gifts for the grandchildren with no problem at all. We bought some boxes of candy to give as gifts along with our extra tips to Sad and Alvin and Joe.
We returned to the ship and decided to stop at the international café and have lunch there. It was not busy as so we got our lunch right away. We each had a small spinach quiche and an iced coffee.
When back at the room I discovered that we had internet and so that is where I spent the next couple of hours trying to catch up on the blog, post pictures and read e-mail.
Ken went to the spa to enjoy the hot tub and to shower there. The sea water is so salty that you feel sticky all over. I showered here.
We went to dinner and enjoyed the evening show in the Princess theatre. The entertainer was a magician and as is usual he left us dumbfounded. We watch these people and we can never figure out the things they do and how they ever manage to do them.
After the show we returned to our room and ended the day.
Morning continued!!

The ship is at anchor and two tenders from this side have been lowered into the water. Ken just saw a whale spout and we have hung our Canadian flag for the last time for this adventure.

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