Saturday, March 28, 2015

Poor or non existing internet!!

Connections to the internet have been non existent for the past day and a half so I am behind on the blog.
But we are still having a great time. The night before last while we were at dinner Erik looked at us and said that he still couldn’t believe that he was here. After having followed the blog for years  he said he was having a hard time realizing that he was actually living the blog. It is so much fun to see how much they are enjoying everything.
Yesterday was a whirlwind in a way.
I took in several events. We decided to have breakfast in Horizon court. Quite accidently we ran into Erik and Rosalie and were able to have breakfast with them. After breakfast I check out the Hawaii sale and found there was nothing I wanted to buy.
Ken went to the George McGuire lecture. After the sale I found a seat in the international café and waited for Ken to join me and for the Martini demonstration to begin. It was fun to watch and we had ring side seats so I was able to get good pictures.

After that we went back to our room. Because we had such a good breakfast we decided to only have fruit for lunch.
I went to deck 18 to try my luck at Champagne Hoopla. The object of the game was to toss a small ring and have it encircle the middle peg on a board having 5 pegs. The successful person would get a bottle of champagne. I was not successful. They gave away 3 bottle of champagne but none came in my direction. The ship was moving and the wind was blowing so it was too cool to play outside so it was done inside near the elevators. I had fun.
After that I decided to go to the art lecture. It was not very interesting and I will not go to another one of his presentations.
I decided it was time for a nap since that art director had almost put me to sleep.
I had a wake- up call all set so that we could have lots of time to get ready for dinner.
We dressed and away we went. Since we had not really eaten any lunch we were ready to eat.
Tonight the meal was diver scallops. Ken asked for a few extra and he was given 2 full meals, he was in his glory. There was another Norman Love dessert tonight. The other Ken and Erik ordered 2 desserts. They had the Norman Love and pecan Pie.


When we had finished dinner and left the dining room we stumbled upon the Hawaiian Show with Elua which was happening at Crooners. It was wonderfully entertaining, so we took it all in. There was singing and of course Hula. Erik and Rosalie happened by and we enjoyed the show together.

Then we decided to head to the Vista Lounge. Tonight Al Katz is performing and since this is such a small venue we decided to go early so we would be assured a good seat. Ken ordered his first Mai Tai of the cruise and I had a blue Hawaiian. It was sweeter than I remembered and the coconut taste certainly was stronger than I remembered but  I did enjoy it. One is enough however.

 Ziutka and Ken came to the Vista also. It was funny because when they saw us she crawled over the seats to join us.

Al Katz was hilarious. We all laughed dangerously hard. After the show we spoke with him and I passed along greetings from Vickie and Bernie.
That brought our evening to an end.
 I stumbled across the movie Sabrina, starring Harrison Ford. I watched it till it ended but Ken fell asleep almost right away. Our third full sea day had come to a very pleasant end.

Forth Sea Day has arrived.
Throughout the day the Grand Princess continued to maintain a south-westerly course across the Pacific Ocean. The ship’s map shows the trip as one long straight line from Vancouver to Hawaii. There is absolutely nothing in the way that would cause any deviation in the course.
We had room service and a very small breakfast this morning, then I went to the International Café to work on the blog. We vacated the room so Alvin could come in. Oh By the way Ken left his shoes to be shined and we left his tuxedo shirt to be cleaned.
As pre arranged Ken and I met at the Princess Theatre to hear the presentation about the life forms found in the Hawaiian coral. George McGuire is so entertaining and informative.
After the presentation I returned the computer to our room and we went to British-Style Pub Lunch. This is always a treat and it was the reason for the small breakfast. We shared a booth with a couple from Prince George and it was very pleasant. Lunch was very good and as usual it was crowded.
After lunch Ken changed into his swim suit and went topside. I went to the Vista Lounge because I wanted to hear Roy Prevost talk about the Strange laws that are still on the books in Hawaii. Actually there was very little meat to his talk. But apparently he has a business of arranging speakers  for cruise ships. I took his card because that might be something to look into .
I came back to the room and changed into my swim suit, with plans to join Ken. I roamed around and finally found him outside of the Sanctuary. He had found a place out of the wind and he was working on his tan. I checked it out and decided that it was still too cool. I continued on and in the Lotus Pool area I stopped and enjoyed a soak in the hot tub. There were two other retired teachers in the tub. We chatted and discussed the horrors of being a sub.  Soon it was almost three o’clock so I excused myself and headed back to our room. I got out of my swimsuit and put it on the balcony to dry.  Soon Ken returned sporting quite a sun burn. He sat on the balcony and I crawled under the covers and had a great nap.
Then we dressed for dinner. We decided to go Hawaiian . I wore my dress with the red hibiscus and Ken wore his lighter blue shirt. Dinner was very good as usual. I had the shrimp for the appetizer and the Mahi Mahi and I had the sugar free dessert which was not very good at all.DSCN1112.JPG

We choose to go to see Craig Richard perform. He is an amazing young man who plays saxophones. He was accompanied by the Grand Princess Orchestra and they never fail to impress. We were seated next to a very nice lady from Halifax. She is a widow and is travelling alone. She was telling us about the terrible winter they have had. She said she doesn’t mind travelling alone. She enjoys being able to come and go without worrying if it fits someone else’s schedule. She said the cost is the only drawback. I have to admit that I admire her courage.
After what was a very good show we returned to our room long enough for me to change into something warm. The ship has been cool this evening and I forgot to bring a pashima with me. We then down to the International Café. The Rhapsody Strings were performing and they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. They were even asked for an encore, and of course they obliged.
When they concluded their performance the place almost emptied out and the café was quiet and peaceful. We enjoyed a special coffee with brandy and they returned to our room to call it a night and a

wonderful day.DSCN1119.JPG

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