Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tuesday's report!

Tuesday, I Think,
It is amazing how days seem to not matter when you are on board a cruise ship.
I think I am about to report on what we did yesterday which was Tuesday March 24.
Throughout the day the Grand Princess maintained a south-westerly course with an average speed of 19 knots. A knot is a nautical measure of speed, one knot being on nautical mile an hour.
We ordered room service and had our breakfast in our room. We had the usual of coffee and cereal and a  Danish. I requested berries but I was informed that they were not available. So we had sliced banana instead.
There were so many things to do that it was hard to decide.  At ten o’clock I went to the Holiday Store at Sea. I did a quick walk around and saw nothing that I couldn’t live without. We gave Alvin time to do the room and as we left we saw him and Ken asked for slippers. I could not believe that he returned delivering slippers a short while later. These slippers are of a waffle weave fabric  with very nice royal blue bias tape trim around the sole,so they are much nicer than the ones we had before.
We met and decided to go to the lecture on the navigational skills of the early Polynesian peoples. The lecture was given by George McGuire and as usual he was very good.
After lunch we decided to have a quiche for lunch. We got it from the Internet café and it was delicious and freshly made.
Then it was time to go to the orchid lei making. It was to take place at Sabatinis. When I got there it was announced that it would be a ribbon Lei and not an orchid lei so I decided to pass. I have made that lei before and I still have it and I didn’t particularly like it then.
We went to the shop and I found the Grand magnet that I was hoping to find. My original is of the one with Skywalkers so I wanted to one with the One5 configuration instead. We also bought a lighted magnifying glass and a chocolate bar.
Tonight is the Captain’s Welcome Aboard Party and Champagne Waterfall. That means formal dress. Rosalie and Eric invited us to come to their room for a glass of wine before dinner. That meant getting dressed very early. We had our hor d’ouvers delivered at four and luckily they arrived at 3:45. I went down and pressed Ken’s pants and we got dressed in our finery and took the goodies and headed to the EEG’s around 4:00.

For some unknown reason I developed a headache around three so I was taking aspirin and just taking it easy for the hour before time to leave. It eased up a little before dinner and was completely gone by the time dinner was over.
Since this was the first formal night there was a very special dinner menu. At the end of it we were even given a copy of the menu to keep as a souvenir.
The first Norman Love dessert was the highlight of the meal. Everyone was dressed up and so we took lots of pictures. I took a couple of our waiter and he gave me his E-mail because he would like to send a picture of him in his formal uniform to his wife. I promised to take care of that for him.
At the end of dinner we roamed out to the Atrium and right away we were given a glass of champagne. Otto( someone we met earlier) and his wife had a spot at the railing. They kindly let me push in and get a picture of the waterfall and Rui and the travelers pouring the champagne. The one tonight had rose petals and orchid petals in the glasses. That made it so colorful and beautiful.

After a refill of my glass we made our way to our room  just long enough for me to change my shoes. Then we headed to the Princess Theatre. Tonight’s entertainment is the production show “Do You Wanna Dance?”. As usual it was very high energy and even though we had seen it several times we enjoyed it tremendously. There was standing room only and it was very well received by the audience.

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