Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day One

Day One
Through the night the ship did some gentle rocking. I made it feel like we were at sea again. Normally it is so smooth that you don’t even realize you are at sea. The mattress is a bit tires so it is not the best we have ever had but it will do.
We woke at what we thought was 7:30 at first then we realized the clocks had gone back and it was only 6:30 ships time.
We finally got up and dressed and left for breakfast at 7:30 ships time. We were directed to a table for 4 and the other couple was very nice. They were about our age but they had been married only one year. They have been doing a lot of travelling so they were very interesting to visit with. I  had a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and bacon with lots of coffee.
After breakfast we went to the library to get tickets for making a fresh orchid Lei. Ken and I both got tickets and we will be at session number 2. Number one was to be today and we want to go to the Meet and Greet for Cruise Critic which was scheduled for the same time.
After we got the tickets Ken went one way and I decided to walk the stairs up to our room. I was on my way down the hall when I spied a wonderful tropical bouquet sitting on the floor outside of a room just down the hall from our stateroom. Then I saw Alvin and I asked him why the flowers were in the hall on the floor. He said he did not know but he would find out. I told him that if he had to throw them away would he please throw them into our room. Well I was in the room fewer than 5 minutes when Ken arrived and right behind him was Alvin. Alvin had the bouquet of flowers. Apparently the people in that room have an allergy and then Alvin asked his supervisor if he could bring them to me. The answer was yes and so I now have a wonderful tropical bouquet just like the one that Rosalie has.. Yeah for Alvin!!!

We decided to go to the enrichment lecture by George McGuire. He is a retired Physics professor from the Fraser Valley area. The lecture was in the Princess theatre and he will be lecturing each sea day. He is very good. Perhaps not as much fun as Gary Schaan but definitely worth listening to.

After his talk we decided to check out possible shore excursions. We choose two, a beach break in Maui and a submarine trip in Kauai. We went downstairs and happily learned that there was room on both.
Our fruit bowl arrived and we decided to share an orange and a banana and have that for lunch. We had such a good breakfast that we were not hungry
I worked on the blog and Ken rested until it was time for the Meet and Greet. There were only seven at the Meet and ||Greet but we had a great visit and we exchanged room numbers in case we wanted to get in touch again. The ship is really cool and we are wearing jackets. As we sit in the ONE5 I looked out the front windows and there were teenagers in swim suits heading for the hot tubs.  Old folks in coats and some in swim suits was the scene as we walked past the Neptune Pool.
We returned to the cabin and decided it was time for an afternoon nap.  When I woke I had a shower and got ready for dinner. I decided to wear my white and gold jacket and to add the wonder gift I got from Janet. There were two reasons, one was the fact that it matched and the other was because a scarf was warm and the ship was still feeling cool. I don’t know who is leaving the doors open but I wish they would cut it out.
When we arrived at the dining room the others were already there reading their menus. As usual we had a grand time. I had a scallop and shrimp appetizer, a mango and peach cold soup , red snapper main course and a warm chocolate cooking for dessert.
Our choice of entertainment was the impressionist Mike Wilson. Some of his impressions were good but others did not impress me.  He was in the Vista Lounge and it was also cool.

The man who dresses differently was there and Mike even had him stand. He was wearing a white suit with black poke dots. The shirt was black with white dots. He was wearing a fedora that matched the suit. We would see him up close later and the shoes were also unbelievable. The end of the shoe had to extend at least 3 inches beyond the end of his foot. Unfortunately I didn’t get pictures. Tomorrow is formal night and I hope I see him.
We strolled around for awhile and then we went to the International café for our special coffee. It was very quiet and peaceful. We enjoyed our coffee and brandy and then came back to our room to call it a night.

The sea is definitely not smooth and so we are bounced around a bit and we are lulled to sleep.

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