Monday, March 30, 2015

March 27th

Friday, March 27th
We did not order room service for our breakfast this morning. Instead we went up to Horizon Court. As usual it was busy but we did get a seat with an Asian couple. They seemed very friendly and spoke right away when we sat down. But I think they were vegetarian . They had only fruit on their plate and the look of horror and stress on the face of the man as he watched Ken eat bacon. I had to smile to myself when I noted that they were both sitting almost sideways in their seats so their backs were toward Ken. Every now and then the man would sneak an unbelieving peak in Ken’s direction. When they finished breakfast and said their good byes and left we were joined by a man named Andrew MacFarlaine. He was originally from Scotland and had a wonderful accent. Currently he lives in Ponoka. Anyway we had a grand visit and then away we went. Ken was on his way to a lecture on Wales done by George McGuire and I was going to check out the sale and do some blogging, which I did in Explorers because I wanted a good seat for the presentation that was being done by Craig Richard. He had an accident while rock climbing and almost died during his attempt to get back to civilization. It had been the topic of a television show and I want to hear his account of the accident.
Next I went to the shopping host’s presentation. I picked up a few maps and a couple of coupons and that was all.
After that I came back to the room to discover that my room key no longer worked. I had purchased a magnet this morning at that sale and the magnet ended up next to my key card and that rendered it useless.
I had to get a room steward to let me in. Ken was here but he was out on the balcony and could not have heard me knock.
We decided to have an orange and a banana for lunch since we had had a nice big breakfast.
We thought about going to the Rum tasting event but we changed our minds and decided to go hunting for the Cookies and Milk people. We were a few minutes early but before long they were there with their cart and their trays of cold milk and hot fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies. Roy, Ken’s curling buddy, and his wife were there so we had a great visit with them.

We decided that tonight would be the night that we go to the One5 for cocktails so we had to dress early. I wore my dress from Bora Bora and I had a strawberry daiquiri while Ken had a rum and coke. I took my drink with me to the dining room since I had not finished it when it was time to head to the dining room.
We took in the second full show done by Al Katz and he was hilarious as usual. This was the night of the King Kamehameha festival. We watched the dancing and joined in the music for awhile.

The movie The Theory of Everything is showing in the Princess Theatre but we decided not to attend.
They were presenting the Vista version of Motor City but we do not enjot that one as much so we returned to our room and called it a day. Tomorrow we will be in Hawaii, a port after 5 days at sea.

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