Monday, September 1, 2014

Our Visit to Belfast

This is the last day of August and we are scheduled to visit Belfast.
We are booked with Odyssey Tours organized by Jim of Cruise Critic. We were in line and finally the line began to move. It was just then that I discovered I didn’t have my cruise card where I normally keep it. You cannot leave the ship until they have scanned your card so I had to leave my place in line and head back to the stateroom. Fortunately the line up was on the same floor. Ken and I found my card in my jacket pocket where I had left it the night before.
Soon we were on the bus. Being late we had to sit at the back and we were packed in tight to say the least. Our guide was really nice and he was very informed. He was exactly what I would have imagined one of the little people might have  looked  like.  His name was mike. There were times when we had absolutely no idea what he was saying his accent was so strong.

Our first stop was a photo stop to see the castle at Dunluce. It was a beautiful old structure. Mike told us how during a big storm the back end containing the kitchen broke away and fell into the sea. It is said you can sometimes hear the doomed staff screaming.

Next we headed for the Giant’s Causeway. This is considered one of the  wonders of the world . These formations are said to have been caused by the cooling of volcanic lave after an eruption.
Mike let us know before we arrived that the visitors center charged 8 pounds fifty per person to enter. He said basically they are charging that much just to use the facilities. He showed us a gift shop, a pub and a hotel  that we could use at no charge. He also showed us a good path we could use to see the causeway. The walk was over a mile but it was beautiful. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze.

We saw the Giants Causeway from the top and I bought some postcards that I will scan for the photobook. I also got a fridge magnet.
We all piled into the bus and headed for the community of Ballycastle. Here we stopped at the Century Inn for lunch. The ambiance was wonderful and the food was great and the prices were not shocking. Or perhaps we are getting accustomed to the prices.

Before we boarded the bus we saw a sign advertising a BOOT SALE. They were not selling boots, they were selling items from the trunk of their car. It was like a garage sale on wheels.

Our last major stop was the newly opened Titanic museum. I am not usually a museum fan but this one is amazing. It is done with visual displays that you stand in the middle of. Videos are being played so the sounds and the effect of the life and times come to life. They tell of the history before the ship was built, the effect while it was being built and the trauma of its loss. There is even a ride where you travel into the bowels of the ship to witness and hear the sounds of the rivets being installed.
There are displays of the different classes of staterooms and it goes on and on.

I loved it but again there was not enough time. We could have spent the entire day here.

To close out the day Mike took us on a quick trip through Belfast . We saw the walls and the murals and the bullet holes. Such a sad time for all concerned. Hopefully the peace will hold.

Then it was time to return to the ship. Dinner waits for no man!!
Another memorable day to be sure.

We drove across the country enjoying the views. Ireland is so beautiful and green , it is everything I imagined. Along the way Mike entertained us with stories and legends and Irish mu

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