Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bouncing Around

Rough Seas
I know that the last posts have been strange, some have been repeated and some are out of order but I hope you can understand how rough seas and lack of satellite coverage can do strange things to a person’s blog.
This morning when I tried to sign on there was no coverage at all so at least I was able to post even if it was a jumble.
This morning the seas were so rough that the waves were actually crashing against our window. I could lie in bed with my eyes closed and when a wave broke the room would get dark and I did not have to open my eyes to know it. The commodore called it rough mounting seas and the waves were over 15 feet even though we had slowed from 17 knots to 12 knots.
The announcement was just made telling us that the wind direction had changed and a big improvement in the weather would happen shortly.
We were supposed to be meeting Jan and Michael for lunch in the DaVinci dining room but I am not going. Ken will make my apologies. With the ship bouncing I am afraid of hurting my ankle even more.
It is now beginning to turn all kinds of lovely colors and last evening it was very swollen because I had been on my feet too much. So the ice pack was back out.
We went to the Captain’s circle party and we were surprised to hear that the most travelled passengers had only 875 sea days. Last cruise it was 1120. Any way I was glad I went to supper because they had lobster tails and crab cakes on the menu. They brought Ken his birthday cake and the staff serenaded him. That was fun.
By that time last evening my foot was so swollen that I had to come back here and remove my right shoe. Last night they had a production show that we had seen on the last cruise, but because we have a new dance company on board I was disappointed to not be able to go.
We have gained back 2 of the hours we lost so if I have my figures correct we are only 6 time zones from home now, but it may be 7 because we went another hour ahead while in Iceland. Anyway it is now noon here and my netbook says it is 7:05 there.
I will try again tomorrow morning to post some pictures in the previous blogs. Sorry to be so out of order but at least you have some information.
We have not tried to check e-mail in a few days so if you are waiting for an answer be patient please.

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