Thursday, September 25, 2014


Well in this port we decided to do the Hop On Hop Off bus. Barb and Roy and Frankie and Jack and Ken and I headed out to meet our transport. Much to our surprise and delight the bus was easy to locate and before long we were on our way. The others decided to get off at the old North Church but Ken and I decided to stay on board. Not having spent any time here there was just so much we wanted to see.
Our bus was high and the windows were wide and they afforded splendid views of the city.  The day was bright but cool so we put on our jackets and enjoyed taking in the sights of the city. Our guide was great and he told us all about the history of the area we were passing.
The tour was very good and we were impressed by the city. I knew about Boston being the center of so much history but somehow seeing it all in just a few hours was overwhelming.
We returned to the ship around one o’clock.
We enjoyed our visit to Boston.

Did you know??
On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the very first phone call in history from his Boston machine shop.
Boston baked beans are navy beans soaked in molasses, then they are baked for several hours. Bostonians developed a love of baked beans because of their trade in molasses.

Boston Cream  Pie is the official dessert of Boston.
The Boston Tea Party took place here… where else??

Paul Revere made his famous ride from here.
The first free municipal library was established here in 1848

Boston’s 24 acre Public Garden, is the oldest botanical garden in Amercia

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