Monday, September 29, 2014


How strange it felt to sail into Sydney!
We arrived at 8:15 and people began to disembark right away. We had breakfast in our room and enjoyed the view from the balcony doors. There was a wind blowing and it was too cold to go outside. But the sun was shining and it was beautiful. We were anchored off of Sydport and had to be tendered in. We headed out at nine and we got a tender ride right away. The black card sure comes in handy.

When ashore we called cousin Wayne and wished him luck with his horse race this afternoon He told me about the business Wayne junior has but it is located down by the YMCA and my ankle would not have liked that so we didn’t go down to see him.

BUT we did spend time inside the cruise ship terminal. I hoped to see some of the crafters that I sold with years ago and I did meet one. Ruth filled me in on a lot of the news, especially concerning the church. I was saddened to hear that Trinity United had closed 2 years ago and the building is for sale.
Then I also ran into Laurie. She and her husband Rod used to frequent to store in Framboise and she and I had a good gabfest.
One vendor was selling exceptional Ammolite pieces and I got a very nice pendant with lovely reds and oranges in it.

It is a very special place. I can say without a doubt that it is one of the nicest if not the nicest cruise ship terminal we have visited in our 29 cruises. Sydney needs to be very proud. The quality of crafts is first rate , the exhibits are exceptional, the welcomes received were spectacular. The center has everything from food to crafts to places to eat and places to drink. There are free exhibits of the local history, free concerts, and free WiFi. I was even able to buy a Scottish Oat Cake. We took lots and lots of pictures but soon my ankle was telling me to head back on board.

We took pictures of the fiddle and I chatted with a cabbie who said he would pass a message on to Earl for me.
With that I knew I had done what I wanted to do so we got into line for a tender.
My, it was a great visit home.

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