Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday June 7th

It is showery today and so we are just relaxing and taking it easy.
Yesterday we went into Harrisburg,( almost missed it because it is so small,) and then to Junction City. Ken had to see a man about our Smart Tire module. While waiting for him he went to the Dollar Tree. It is a nice one with a good selection of stuff. We got the funnels we were looking for, and I got a new shower cap. We are the last of the big spenders hee hee.
We came back here and got set to watch that hockey game. Unfortunately we cannot watch it here. But fortunately Ken could get the radio broadcast on his Dell.
What happened to the Canucks???
At the end of the second period we left the trailer and went to visit with Sarah and Wayne Gable who are also here for the rally and are just a couple of spots away. We had a nice visit and then came back here and checked the final score of the game....8 to 1.....unbelievable!!I sure hope they got that out of their system.

Yesterday was fascinating as we watched the arrival of rig after rig. There are 2 other groups gathering and they are the ultra expensive ones. Most run from a half million to over a million dollars each. Amazing, truly amazing. Millions and millions of dollars in rigs are parked here right now.
Tomorrow is the actual start of the rally so we will be seeing friends arrive then.
We will spend today relaxing and just enjoying the fact that it is cool and we are not being subjected to those 100 degree temperatures.

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