Sunday, June 12, 2011

Came to an end

Friday afternoon I went shopping in Junction city. I found a little craft co-operative and I got a beautiful hat box, a set of red hat cosmetic cases and some lettering for my scrap booking.
We stayed here for supper because we wanted to watch the hockey game. Amazingly and thankfully the Canucks won.
After the game we went up to the hot tub and joined Marilyn and Roland for a soak. It was very nice.
Saturday was the end of the rally. In the morning we had a great breakfast together. The men cooked and it was great. After breakfast there was a bit of a meeting with thank yous and the like. Saturday afternoon we relaxed and enjoyed the resort. We had gone to the hot tub last evening and we thought about going again but there were kids using the pools so we just stayed here. Happy hour was at four and we had a great visit.
There was a catered dinner of Mexican food at six. The food was plentiful and good.
Lots of good byes and hugs. Most will leave in the morning.
Sunday is Leah's birthday and Phil and Leah are going to Florence for dinner. They have invited us to join them and we have accepted. We will stay here for one more night so we will not have to rush in the morning.

We slept late and spent a relaxing morning. I did a thorough search of the trailer. We are still looking for Ken's glasses. We have had no luck at all.
Around one o'clock we left for the coast. Phil drove.
It turned out to be a rainy and not very pleasant day. But we grabbed our umbrellas and had fun anyway. I did a lot of looking but the only thing I purchased was one of those things you put in your brown sugar to keep it soft.
Then we went to dinner and the foodwas wonderful.
I had crab encrusted halibut and Ken had the wild salmon. We shared a decadent dessert.
We got back here around 8:30. The original plan was to go to the hot tub but it is cold and it had been raining here as well so we are just watching television.
We head out tomorrow but I am not sure where we will be going.
Stay tuned.

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