Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday, June 5th/2011

We are in Harrisburg,Oregon and all set up and ready to stay here for a week and enjoy the Oregon Travel Club spring rally.
We left Abbotsford yesterday morning around 9:30 and it took us almost an hour to cross the border. Then we had to wait for the post office to open the wicket to get the parcels we were waiting for. We stopped to see Harry and Susan and leave her some necklaces.
Finally we were on our way. We stopped and had lunch and continued along. The day was unbelievably beautiful. It was so clear and sunny. The spring has established itself and the trees are in full leaf with so many wonderful shades of green everywhere. And the mountains could take your breath away. The snow was so bright and white and the air was so clear. At one point Mount Rainier was in front of us, the Olympic mountains were on the right , the Coastals were on the left and in the rear view mirror you could see Mount Baker. Such an amazing moment!!
Right now the Scottish Broom is in bloom. It is such a bright eggyolk yellow that it is almost garrish. The medians and the fields are full of it and the fragrance fills the air. I am so glad that I am not allergic to it.The traffic was quite heavy and we can't help but wonder were everyone is going.
Around 4:30 we were in Southern Washington near Chehalis.We stop here often and there is a large Wal-mart where we get some groceries. Today was special because we knew that the hockey game was about to begin. We went to the electronics department and found out that we couldn't watch the game there but one of the clerks told us that there was an Applebees in the center and that they carried sports events. So we put our groceries in the rig and away we went. We asked at the door if they could turn their television to the hockey game and after giving us a strange smile the manager said yes, so we asked for a table.
We were shown to a booth near a television . When our server arrived we told her we wanted very slow service so we could watch the game. After her initial surprise she smiled and told us she knew nothing about hockey but she agreed to be very slow with her service.One television set had the game with no sound and one had it closed captioned. You know trying to read and watch the play at the same time is almost impossible. So we opted for a silent presentation. Trying to watch a hockey game when there is no sound is certainly different and watching it when you are in public and must be quiet was a challenge for both us to say the least. Well we managed to drag out supper for the three periods of regulation time but we really believed we would be pressing our luck to stay for overtime so we left the restraunt.But of course we needed to know what happened so we went back to the trailer and picked up my little net book and we went to the Starbucks which was also in the center. There, after a few tense moments, I was able to get on line and we found out that Burrows had scored at the 11 second mark of the first overtime. How wonderful was that!!
We walked, shopped the Dollar Tree and called it a night.We spent the night right there at exit 79 on the I-5.

This morning we had breakfast at the Starbucks,,, a sort of a thank you for the WI Fi.
Today was also beautiful. Not as sharp as yesterday but the broom and the California Poppies and the lupins and the blooming shrubs were glorious in the sun.
We stopped at Camping World in Wilsonville Oregon. This is one of our favouite places to browse. You never know what you will find for the trailer. Today I found a very small electric frying pan. Just big enough to cook 2 eggs. No more burning things when trying to adjust the gas stove in the trailer. We ate lunch in the trailer in the parking lot at Camping world and away we went again.
We arrived here at the resort around 4:30. Even though the rally does not begin until Wednesday there is one couple here already.
It is a beautiful resort with a pool and a hot tub and paved parking pads. Most important of all it has cable TV. We sure hope the hockey game is on because we don't know where the nearest sports bar or an Applebees csn be found.GO CANUCKS GO!!!
We are all set up and ready to enjoy the next week.
We hope the weather co-operates.

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