Friday, June 10, 2011

Spending the day

Ken went golfing and basically I was on my own. I walked up to the meeting place and on the way I discovered that Linda, one of the golf widows was locked out of her rig so I invited her to come back here with me. We were chatting and having a cool drink of pop when another of the widows, Marilyn came bay and suggested a shopping trip. Not being one to refuse a chance to shop I agreed and all 4 of us widows went together to a shopping mall near Eugene. I purchased some perfume and some shower gel and the other ladies also purchased a couple of small items. We got back to the resort in time for happy hour.
After that we had to come back here to complete our contribution to the pot luck supper. I brought a carrot dish. The pot luck was great as usual and there was lots of food.
After supper we played card bingo. The prizes were mainly old silver dollar coins from the 1970's. It will be fun to see what they are worth right now. Anyway between the 2 of us we won 3 games and a total of 18.00 which was very good.Finally we came back here, watched a bit of TV and called it a night
The internet was spotty and that is why I didn't blog last evening.

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