Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday February 28th/2011

This is a new day in many ways.
The ocean is as smooth as glass with no sign of speed bumps. And I feel much better, no sea sickness today. Hip Hip Hurray!!!!
We went to Horizon Court for breakfast and we sat with a very nice couple so that made it even nicer.
After breakfast I went to the sale, bought 2 pashimas, Ken walked his mile. I lined up for a ticket to the class on making Lei with live orchids. There was a registration for that and ukulele lesson yesterday but I was not feeling well enough to stand in line. But today I got a ticket and I will make one tomorrow. They are beautiful and made with real orchids. I can’t wait.
Then we met in the Princess Theatre where we listened to the lecture on Kauai. It was very good and I am sorry I missed the one yesterday on Hilo.
We stopped by the fruit and vegetable carving demonstration and I got some great  picturtes. They even made a squirrel using egg plant. Ken was not impressed. I loved the cauliflower poodle dog
For lunch I went to Horizon Court and got each of us a sandwich and a piece of pineapple, a cookie and iced tea. We are trying to be good with food and that buffet is murder. We ate our lunch here in our cabin. It is still too cool to enjoy the balcony.
Next Ken had a nap and I went to the Champagne art auction. Of course I went to look and drink and not to buy. Bad idea!! We are now  the proud owners of a Thomas Kinkaid print. It is Sea of Tranquility and it is the one with the lighthouse. I know it will look wonderful in our living room. There was a special draw for a free work of art and the drawing was for people who had made a purchase …. I won. The print is called Salon de Music and it is by John O’Brien. That is not framed but they will let us know the cost if we should decide to have it framed. Anyway I was away a lot longer than I planned and Ken was concerned by the time I got back here. He had actually gone to look for me.
We quickly changed and went up to Skywalkers longue for a glass of Port. Then to the dining room for dinner. As usual it was superb. Ken and I both had halibut.
Next was the welcome by the captain. They were serving free cocktails and Ken and I each had a rum punch. It was very crowded so we made our way to the Princess theatre to see the show but by the time we arrived there were no seats. We went to theWheelhouse bar. The band is called EXTREME and they have a lovely soft mellow sound and it is not too loud. We stayed and had a dance and finished our drinks. We left there and posed for photos since it was formal night. By then we decided to call it a night and we went back to our room. The sea had gotten rough and we wondered if the dancers would be able to do the second show.
The gentle rocking of the ship put us to sleep.

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