Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, march 7th

We have sailed and this is the first of 4 sea days.
We made it a special day by ordering Champagne breakfast. It was wonderful as usual. We could not eat outside because it was quite windy but it was special anyway.
After breakfast I went down and got a ticket for the ribbon Lei making. We were so full from breakfast that we had a glass of milk and one of our muffins for lunch. At two o’clock I went to the class. The ribbon weaving was a bit tricky but I did master it. It is not what I would consider a lei but the technique could be used for a belt or some other accessory.
In the afternoon we laid down and had a little rest.
Tonight is the Captain’s Circle party so we got dressed up in our finest and away we went to the party. It was a very elegant affair as usual. We sat with a very nice couple and enjoyed the short party. Then we were off to dinner. We are really enjoying our dinner group. When the photographer arrived we asked to have a group picture taken instead of individuals.
After dinner we went to the Princess Theatre for the show by Lisa Donavan. She was good but not great. After the show we went to Horizon Court and got a drink and took our pills and we watched TV for a little while.
We heard that our volcano had actually erupted producing lava but we could not find coverage of it on television.
We called it a night.

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