Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sunday, March 6th
Today we are on the island of Maui and we docked at Lahaina.The morning was bright and sunny and we could not believe the number of whales that were there to greet us. It was amazing, there were at least 6 of them breaching and splashing and blowing as we arrived. We could see the lighthouse at the dock and that was a another pleasant extra.
We had breakfast gathered our things together, called Al and Del and went down to the Vivaldi dining room to get our tender ticket. In the entire wait and the boarding and travelling and docking and disembarking took about an hour which was about what we expected.
We headed for the Ban Yan tree and browsed around for a few minutes. The tree is large and I mean large. It was planted in 1873.There are lots of vendors set up under the shade of the tree. By now it is threatening to rain. I went to one of the little shops across from the tree and Ken kept his eyes open for Al and Del. I found a very pretty moo moo and Ken found Al and Del. They have rented a car for their time on the island so they picked us up and drove us around for most of our time ashore. They took us to a wonderful craft fair and I found a very nice abalone necklace. They also took us to the condo where they have been staying. It is wonderful. Ken and I walked in the ocean so we could at least say we were in the water at Hawaii. For lunch we went to a Bubba Gump. It is a chain and the sayings etc are from the Forrest Gump movie. The food was very good.
After lunch and a bit more touring we said our good byes and came back to the ship.
We had a bit of a rest and then went to Skywalkers for a Mai Tai and then went to dinner. After dinner we decided to go to the pool instead of going to a show. Ken did both the pool and the hot tub but I only did the hot tub.
Then we each got a couple of glasses of lemon water and called it a night.

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