Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Another day has come to an end. Saturday, March 5th
Today we are on the Island of Kauai .Here we have a tour of the fern grotto and a river cruise. We gather in the Princess Theatre and get to our bus. We have a driver named Don and he takes us to the river where we board what is basically a barge with benches and a roof. There are musicians on board and they sing and dance and entertain us all of the way to the Grotto. It is a VERY beautiful place. We have time to drink it all in and we are entertained again. It is here that Elvis is supposed to have filmed some of the movie Blue Hawaii.
We return to our boat and on the return we have a narrator who tells us all about the history of the area.
Don returns us to the ship but he also tells us a little about the area and he drives us through town on the way.
Our entertainment tonight is a new show called Stardust… we loved it. The singers and dancers performed the old songs from the forties and they were so very good

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