Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday,February 27

Here I am enjoying the balcony.
This is our amazing view from the plane window.

Ken and Wendy in the atrium.

Sunday February 27/11
Wow what a night!! Things really rocked, it felt like the ship kept hitting speed bumps.
I was fine all night but when I stood up.....what a mess my stomach was in. I took the new anti nausea medicine and laid back down. There was no way I was going for breakfast.
After 2 hours and no change I took old reliable Gravol. I felt better within a half hour. Ken went upstairs and got me a piece of toast and some tea. It stayed down so I rested for a bit and then we went to Skywalkers to meet with the Cruise Critic group. We did the gift exchange. Ken and I brought chocolate covered berries as our gift and it was very popular. It was stolen twice and finally had to be left alone. For our gift we got pancake mix and pancake syrup. Because of the weight and the restrictions on carrying liquids we will give our gift to Pam. She lives in California and she won’t have to fly.
We went to lunch. It was English Pub lunch day.
After lunch we came back to the cabin and I went to sleep. Gravol works but it makes you sleepy. I put in a wakeup call and when the phone rang at three I was feeling like my old self again. I dressed and went to the Red Hat get together. Unfortunately there was only one other lady there. Linda and I had a good visit. She is from an Arizona chapter.
Then it was back here to blog and change for dinner. I discovered that my room key did not work so I would have to get a new one. Dinner was great, we both had scallops. They were very well done.
The show in the theatre starred Craig Richard. Remember that name he is a very talented entertainer. His main talent is playing the sax, but he sings and plays the piano. He has an amazing stage presence. We really enjoyed his show.
After the show we came back here and then went upstairs to Horizon Court to have a drink and take pills.
The seas have calmed down and I am back to feeling like myself. I sure would not want to spend the entire cruise feeling like I did this morning.

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