Monday, February 21, 2011

Trying to get to one

I am struggling with packing and trying VERY HARD to get down to one suitcase. I have packed and repacked twice . It is so hard. Men have it so easy . A different shirt and tie is all they need for a second formal night and we need a different dress and different shoes and possibly another jacket or wrap and the list goes on. We will be gone for 15 days. That means going to dinner 15 times and different activities in the day time and shorts and swim suits and shoes and hats and make up and hair appliances and jewelery and the list goes on and on. Just how many times can a gal wear the same outfit even if she spends time doing laundry??
Anyway we leave in 4 days and I am sure I will have it figured out by then .
Isn't it the most wonderful amazing problem to have??
I have to pinch myself to believe that it is true and it is me.....

1 comment:

dslrig said...

Just checked e-mail from the sunny Arizina desert and had chance to log on------------have a wonderful trip and we look forward to hearing all about it-
Ken, Bob got a desert 'hole in one'-----TWICE!!!! Theres no living with him----!
Bob and Janet