Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Coming to the End

 Our dream vacation is coming to an end.

When we began this I thought that 111 days was a very long time, so I cannot believe that the time has gone so very quickly. It is difficult to realize that this is day 109 and we have to begin packing

Last evening we received good bye gifts from Princess. One was a gift of an acrylic paper weight with the Island Princess and the words World cruise 2023 engraved inside. There was also a key chain with the Island Princess inside an acrylic shape. I know it is hard to describe so here is a photo of them.

That weight is very heavy so I am glad that we have decided to have another bag.

There was a gathering and a group photo taken before the Fort Lauderdale people disembarked and another taken at our get together the other night. We received copies of both photos as well. One is 8x10 and the other one is 11x16. We are in both oh them. I should say I am because Ken is missing from the small one.

Along with the gifts we received a very nice letter from Princess.

We are all packed and the suitcases have been picked up. We have to be in the waiting area at 7:40 am and our plane leaves at 12:50. We will be back in Abbotsford at 7:30 tomorrow evening if all goes as planned.


sandy in spain said...

What a fabulous experience for you both.....

Gary and Debbie S. said...

What a wonderful time and most amazing experiences.