Thursday, June 7, 2018


We were supposed to arrive at around ten depending on river traffic and delays at the locks but much to my surprise when I woke up at six we were already here.

We had breakfast with Ben and Jan, the couple from Abbotsford. We returned to our cabin and I did some tidying and some laundry and had a shower. The morning is sunny and warm, much warmer than the 70 degrees forecast. There is a 50% chance of rain this afternoon and that is when our tour is scheduled. It is a 4 hour walking tour and that is our limit so we are not going off on our own this morning. That ankle that I broke in Iceland does not like to be stressed. Beside because we are docked right in the city there is lots of chances to people watch.

 We are lucky today because we are right next to the dock so we can use our balcony and we have a wonderful view of the city.

Unfortunately for the people on the port side of the ship today are butted next to another Viking ship. It is sort of like double parking. The passengers from the ship that is furthest from the dock have to walk through our ship to get to the dock. We have at times been the ship behind but today we are lucky. We have a view and we can use our balcony.
We did enjoy the view from the port side before breakfast and it is spectacular with churches and castles. The people on the port side of the other ship can enjoy the view.

The buses arrived and we were taken to the Residenz. This was a bishop's palace.Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures inside. I think you should research it because it was by far the most Opulent palace ever.
For centuries , the Wurzburg prince-bishops wielded enormous power and wealth, and the city of Wurzburg grew in Opulence under their rule. Their crowning glory is the UNESCO listed bishops' residenz. It is one of Germany's finest baroque palace ensembles. It was built between 1720 and 1744. It was almost totally destroyed, along with the city at the end of WWII. The allies bombed the city and in 20 minutes it was reduced to rubble. Fortunately a few thinking officials saw that the furnishings, tapestries and art work were removed and stored safely. The refurbishing was earies because of their wisdom.

Our guide Kai was able to answer all of our questions and give us so much information.

It was too bad that we could not take pictures inside because there were many OMG!! sights.

When that part of the tour ended we went into the chapel and it too was so grand it defied belief.

We took a quick tour of the garden and then it was time to continue on. It was O Kay to take pictures here.

Kai took us around the old town telling us about the history of the grand buildings. One tends to call them old buildings but all have been rebuilt since the end of the war. The craftsmanship is beyond belief in many cases.

When the tour was complete we headed back to the ship. We got wonderful views of the old bridge.

The custom of putting locks as a sign of unending love on the fences continues here on the Main ( pronounced mine) River.

When we came out of the canal we left the Danube behind.The previous locks raised us and from this point on we will be lowered.

We sat with Paula and George for dinner and then returned here. They had a glass blowing demonstration but that did not interest us.

Tomorrow we are in WERTHEIM.

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