Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Look Out, There's another one.

Of course we woke up early. That is always the case if you have to be somewhere are are afraid of sleeping in.
We gathered our things and vacated our room around 6:30. Then we went to Breakfast. We shared the table with the couple from Barbados. They seem to be very nice and I certain enjoy their accents.

On our way to the bus we passed a very patient fisherman and an even more patient heron.

Before long we were on the bus waiting for our trip to the Hyatt Regency. Once we were there and made certain that our suitcases were at the hotel we were given our quiet voices, met our guide and we were on our way.

We were scheduled to go on a walking tour of the old town part of Amsterdam. It was a long walk past parks and canals, no churches and no cathedrals. The city has many beautiful buildings. Some of the buildings lean which is quite interesting.

There are lots of canal house boats. They even have sewer hook ups and power etc.We saw several places where electric cars could plug in the get recharged.

We were completely inundated by bicycles. They are everywhere and they have the right of way and they have attitude. You just get out of their way or they will run you over. We saw big bikes, small bikes, bikes with gears, bikes without gears, electric bikes, bikes with carts behind, bikes with baby carriers, bikes with parcel carriers and bikes with saddle bags. We saw old riders, young riders, men riders, lady drivers, ladies in dresses, ladies in high heels, men in suits, men with brief cases, men with back packs, and every now and then we saw drivers with bike helmets.

We wonder how many bike riders are killed every day because they weave in an out of vehicle traffic while dodging pedestrians.
During the walk we came upon more of the stumbling block memorials to the victims of the Holocaust. Our guide says that Amsterdam has 6000 in place so far.

They have a unique way of handling junk mail delivery here. There are labels you put on your mail slot saying Nee or Ja, no or yes. The mailman will obey your wishes.

The end of our walk was at museum square. There are many museums in this area as well as a wonderful garden.

They had a fountain arrangement which allowed people to get into the middle and then the water rose up around you. It was really cute and it looked like fun.

We had our lunch at a local pub. We had grilled cheese and mini Dutch pancakes.

We began the long walk back to the hotel. The walk became longer because of a misplaced map. I cannot believe that I walked 16,000 steps today. Boy my feet are tired.

We checked in and found we have a beautiful room.

When we got back to the Hyatt we had a rest, we needed it. Then we got ready and went out for pizza for dinner. How does that song go?? "When you have been eating steak for a long time beans beans taste fine". The pizza was delicious and we really enjoyed it.

Next we went to the grocery store which is across the street and we got 4 soda and 2 cookies and some cherries. The coke here in our fridge is 5 Euros and we got it at the grocery for 85 cents.

Then it was back here. After an early morning and a very long day we will be asleep soon.

Tomorrow we are going to take rides on the Hop On Hop Off Canal boats. That will be very different and it should be fun.


Carol said...

We enjoyed experiencing and visiting Anne Frank's house. A bucket list for me.

Comquot said...

We could not get tickets ... it is booked weeks or months ahead and I messed up by not doing it on line long ago. Viking did not include it.;-(

Carol said...

Surprised Viking did not. I would include that on my comment card.