Monday, June 11, 2018

Last Full Day

This is our last full day of the cruise. We woke early and saw a beautiful sunrise. Then we went back to sleep and slept until around seven.

We went to breakfast then later we went to the embarkation talk. Sam did a good job of explaining everything that we need to know about the procedure for the morning.
We received our surveys and luggage tags.

Ken went to a talk about the engineering of the ship and I stayed in our room to pack.
By then it was time for lunch. We sat with new cruise friends Sue and Herb and Jim and Pam. We gave them Canada pins and they seemed really pleased to receive them.

After lunch we filled in our surveys and got ready for our afternoon Windmill tour

The tour was a walking tour and for the first time we walked from the ship to our destination. There was no bus involved. It was a beautiful sunny day. There was a lovely breeze so that made it nice. I had brought my jacket because I expected it to be cool but that proved to not be necessary. I was soon carrying it. As usual the guide was great and she thoroughly explained everything about the mills then and now. The mills we saw today went back to 1738. They are amazing feats of engineering.

We actually went inside of a working mill. It was possible to climb to the top but we did not climb. I did see the living room .

After the visit to the museum we went to the gift shop. I bought a small pair of wooden shoes as a memento of this trip. They will go into the china cabinet with my other souvenirs.

We strolled back to the ship with our guide. Ken had to get packing.

There was enough time to do the packing, rest for a half hour and enjoy the views from our cabin. Much to our surprise we passed by Noah's Arc, complete with 2 giraffe.

We filled in our questionnaires, and got out tips and extra tips and bill all organized. We were able to pay everything in cash . I went down to customer service with everything. We will give our extra tips to our people tonight.

Next was to get dressed up for the captain's farewell get together. It was in the lounge and we were given champagne for the toasts.

We went to dinner and then back here to finalize the packing etc.
The cruise is quickly coming to a close. We will have traveled 1900 kl, passed under 822 bridges and passed through 66 locks. We saw many castles and cathedrals and met many wonderful people.
We have to have our luggage out at seven and the bus takes us to the Hyatt Regency at 8:30. We will have 2 days in Amsterdam before we fly home on Thursday so stay tuned!

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