Sunday, June 3, 2018

No muffins but that is ridiculous!

On our tour today our guide Dorothea answered questions about the taxes here in Germany. They pay 42 to 45 percent income taxes. On top of that everyone has to pay church tax. That is additional. It is 8% of your income tax. Most of the people are catholic and if they want to get out of paying the tax you must write to the bishop telling him what you think of his religion. He responds telling you about how you will go to hell and be excommunicated. That letter goes to the tax government and follows you the rest of your life. There are boxes to check, you can be Lutheran and your 8% goes there, Or atheist which requires that letter or "other" which includes Jews and Muslims etc. These monies go 70% to maintaining the cathedrals and churches and 30% to charity.
So there are no ladies groups making muffins or engaging in cookie walks but that is a bit over the top.

There are some deductions , for example solar panels are deductible. Many if not most homes have these panels.

The 42% income tax is high but they have free education. I mean all education is without charge. There are no dorms so you must provide for your own room and board. Even foreign students attend without tuition.     42% WOW! Perhaps things are not so bad here afterall.

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