Monday, April 29, 2013

The Australian Adventure Ends

G’day Mate

Aussie Expressions
We certainly have been having fun learning some Aussie Expressions. So I will finish this adventure by trying to tell you just a few of them.

If someone says they are going to shout next, it means they are going to pay for the next round of drinks.

If they tell you they are “ not up to putty”
It means they are not feeling well.

“Don’t call me a dsongo,”  means don’t call me an idiot.

“ a few stubbies short of a slab” means the same as “ a few bricks short of a full load”

“It’s gone walkabout”
That means that the person has gone for a walk without telling where.

If someone says
“Struth mate, don’t come the raw prawn with me!’ it means don’t tell them a lie or  exaggerate

“Stone the crows mate” and” Starve the lizards” both mean about the same as “I’ll be darned’

“A Bonsa Yarn”, is a great story.

“Flat out like a lizard drinking” is the same as running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

“Game as Ned Kelly” means you are ready and willing to try anything.

“Cunning as a Dunny rat” means sly as a fox.

“How much can a Koala bear?” means  just how much can anyone take?

No Worries!!
Be Happy!!

G’Day ….a greeting for all

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