Saturday, April 20, 2013

Good Sunday Morning

Good Morning Everyone,
It is Sunday morning here and our plans for the day have changed. This is the day we were supposed to be in Adelaide and Ken had arranged to meet his old scouter friend Kim Brown. We were going to spend the day with Kim and he was going to show us around his beautiful city,
However, the best laid plans of mice and men…
The weather is such that gale force winds right now and winds expected to increase as the day progresses meant that we could not enter the harbor. This is a sea day and we are on our way to Melbourne. They have not said if that means we will have an extra day in Melbourne or if we will just sail around for awhile.
Anyway Ken has gone to place a call to Kim to let him know we are not going to be able to meet him. Unfortunately we had a wakeup call set for 6:15 and had breakfast delivered to our room at 6:30 so we could be ready to dash away as soon as the gangway was in position.  I think nap will be part of the day.
The past few days have been very busy; we had wonderful stops in Fremantle and Albany. I much prefer this part of Australia. The temperatures are a lot more to my liking. It is not as hot and not as humid which suits me just fine.
Tuesday of this past week was interesting for me. First of all it was supposed to be a cool day and we were going to be in Fremantle stomping around all day so I decided it was a jeans day. With a bit of trepidation I got them out of the closet and took a deep breath. Much to my surprise I was able to zipper then quite easily. I didn’t have to struggle or lie down on the bed or anything… a triumph for sure, especially after almost 2 months of cruising and eating holiday food.
So I felt very good, great start to the day!!!
If you follow the blog you know we had a very busy day and part of it involved a trip on the commuter train. Well this didn’t go so well. For the first time ever a young girl offered me her seat on the train. I declined and a few minutes later a young man offered me his seat. Now does this mean that the people in Australia are especially polite or does it mean that I am looking like a little old lady who needs a seat???
Not a very good end to my day L

Well that was not all there was to my ageing adventure. Wednesday was our second day in Fremantle and we were in a local mall browsing around. After a nice long chat with a clerk in a small store the young clerk asked for a hug when we said goodbye. As strange as this was we agreed and as she hugged me she said, and I quote… “I don’t have a Grandma to hug”.
Was I impressed??? I don’t think so.
My jeans might fit but I still look like I need a seat on the train and I am someone’s grandma.:-(

In Melbourne we are scheduled to take a ride on an old steam train so that should be a lot of fun.
This has been a fabulous holiday and it is hard to believe that one week from today we disembark and fly to Honolulu.
We have been having a grand time but it will be nice to see our friends again. Ken is suffering hockey and golf withdrawal but I am not missing cooking or cleaning or any of the household chores.
I wonder if I can take Adonis with me???
Till next report
Carolyn and Ken

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