Thursday, April 4, 2013

Brisbane, AU This is our first port of call. The sail in at Brisbane was beautiful, the sun was shining and a barbershop group greeted us with song. We had many choices of what to do here but I was in touch with BJ and Henry from North Carolina and Bj told me all about this amazing adventure. It was a trip to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. So BJ and Henry and Sandy and John and Ken and I disembarked and caught a van to downtown Brisbane. The van took us to the state library and then a local security officer took us to the Cultural Center Pontoon. Here we waited for the Mirimar II. This is a new catamaran complete with on board catering. At ten o’clock we began a wonderful narrated journey of about an hour and a half. We learned about the history of the area and were wowed by the amazing multi million dollar mansions. We arrived at the sanctuary and we had 2.5 hours to spend here. The air was heavy with the smell of eucalyptus. Everywhere there were enclosures with Koala of all ages and sizes. The first thing I did was get into line to buy a ticket to enable me to get my picture taken holding a koala. I was so excited by this prospect. Ken took pictures of me as well so I have lots of proof that I actually did hold a koala!! After the photo session we toured the rest of the sanctuary When buying a ticket for the photo session I also bought a bag of feed to use to feed the kangaroos. We made our way to that area and much to my surprise there they were, no fences were necessary. There was a spot that people were banned from entering. When the kangaroos got tired of posing and nibbling they could just go into that area and get away from the tourists. I was able to convince one to have a nibble but needless to say with all of the visitors around the kangaroos were just not hungry, or at least they were not hungry for what I was offering. It must have been the wrong time of the year because I never did see a joey. Next we roamed around and we saw so many native animals. We saw wombats, Tasmanian devils, dingoes, emus, cockatoos, many beautiful parrots and the shy duck billed platypus even came out to see us. Soon it was time to head back to the Miramar II for the trip back down the river. At the end of that journey we headed for the boarding point for the City Cat. The Cat is part of the public transportation system, and is a wonderful catamaran. The Cat took us back to the Dawn Princess. I boarded the ship clinging to my cherished photo of me cuddling that little Koala. Everyone I knew and some I didn’t know were forced to look at my photo. This was a day I will not forget


Cruising Around the World With Vickie said...

omg that is so adorable the koala and you... what a great memory i can't wait to visit

Anonymous said...

we loved the Koala's as well. we saw them at Featherdale Wildlife refuge and Sydney Zoo. You were there when we were in Auckland, NZ. Maribel and Nelson