Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Saturday,March 30/ Blue Mountains

Sydney Australia, On March 30 we spent the day in The Blue Mountains. We had a tour booked with OZ trails. our bus picked us up at the Hotel and away we went. Our trip took us out of the city and danny, our guide was very informative, telling us all about he area and its history as we travelled. First real stop was at Flat Rock look off. This is an amazing spot with unparalled views. Danny showed spots where we could take pictures that would put photo shop to shame. He even demonstrated one. Next we headed for a ride on a cable car, high above the gorge. Next came Princes Rock Track. This involved quite a trek down and up many steps. It certainly was a work out for me. I was huffin and puffin by the time I got back to the bus. We took a ride on the train with the world’s steepest gage, 52%. I don’t know if you can appreciate it from the picture I’ve included . The incline was so steep that it felt more like a roller coaster than a train. The ride was only about 3 minutes long but that was long enough to be sure. We stopped at the sight of an aboriginal stone carving and then headed to the dock where we caught the Captain Cook river cruise back to Sydney. Some of our views on the return trip. On our return to the city Ken and I managed to catch the local train back to our hotel. We didn’t even get lost!!

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