Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Moorea, March 11/2013 There are some scenes that are Iconic. You always know where some places are. The view of Moorea is one of those, You just can’t imagine what we felt when that iconic scene greeted us when we had our first look from our balcony this morning. We went topside and had our photo taken by a fellow passenger so we could say we had really been there. This is a tender port and we did not have a tour scheduled so we took our time leaving the ship. There was a small band greeting us when we arrived on the shore. Lots of craft vendors had shelters set up along the beach. This area is world famous for Black Pearls. My mission for the day is to find a black pearl pendant that speaks to me. It is not an easy task. I cannot believe the choices. There are thousands of items to choose from. All are beautiful and many come with certificates of authenticity and guarantees. After at least an hour of looking and considering I made my choice. I just love it. After shopping we went to the little welcome center and tasted the local fresh fruits while we waited for the next tender. I took pictures of the headdress worn by one and one of the ladies posed with Ken. That head dress was made of rooster feathers. We returned to the ship, had lunch and relaxed for the rest of the day. We sailed for Papeete around five. At ten o’clock we were treated to a performance by Tahitian dancers. I wondered if I wanted to stay up that late but I am so glad that I did. They were amazing and describing their energy and skill is beyond my language skills. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

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