Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Beautiful Bora Bora

Thursday March 14/2013 This is day 2 of this second cruise and we are back in Bora Bora. This time we are booked on an Island drive. This is happening on” La Truck”. Actually this transport is a lot like a school bus, with hard seats and no windows . It is painted a nice bright blue and it is decorated inside with lots of wonderful tropical flowers. The Hibuscus are beautiful and there are many different colors .We have a male tour guide and a female bus driver. The tour began about 3 minutes ahead of aschedule, almost every seat was filled and as we drove along the driver told us all about .e areas we were passing. He was very good, had lots of information and spoke excellent English. As we travelled the 22 miles around the island he made certain to stop so we could get lots of pictures. Here every view is a post card . It is utterly amazing! The first major stop was at Mama Rutus. Here we were given fresh fruit to eat and we were treated to a pareo demonstration. One of the ladies took the process from beginning to end. She dyed the fabric and applied the pattern. Then the driver did a demonstration of 3 of the ways to wear a pareo. There was a particularly beautiful blue one and Ken bought it for me. Along the way we make another stop. Our driver points out the fact that there are holes in the ground just outside the bus. We look out the window and sure enough there are holes about 3 inches in diameter. Then he tells us to remove the flowers that were decorating the bus, roll them up into a ball and throw them out of the window so that they land close to one of the holes. Even though most of the women cringe the flowers are balled up and thrown out of the window. Then suddenly we see small crabs appearing from the holes to eat the flowers. Now how amazing is that? Our last major stop was at Bloody Mary’s.. This is a bar and restaurant. It’s claim to fame is the fact that anyone who is anyone has eaten there. There are two large boards displaying the names of all of the beautiful people who have dined there. The building is very Tahitian right down to the sand floor. The prices are outrageous!!. A glass of coke was $5.00.Needless to say we did not eat there. Soon we were back on board and headed for the pier and the tenders. Time to say good bye to beautiful Bora Bora. We have ridden around it in La Truck, we have sailed around it is an outrigger canoe, we have shopped here and played with stingrays here and snorkeled here ,( some of us more than others) This is a magical place , beautiful beyond belief and if it were not so hot I would move here in a flash. Just look at some of the beautiful pictures we took here.

1 comment:

Howard B said...

Hi Carolyn and Ken. Your blog makes me want to return to French Polynesia!
I think we went on the almost identical tour in Bora Bora, and have the photos to prove it . Also, the Moorea tour looks familiar, but we had a younger guide that was hilarious. Of course, I'm a bit older now, so it may be the same guide we had after he aged along with us!

I'm lovin' being along with you - it really brings back great memories. Thanks
