Monday, March 4, 2013


Day three, We are in Lahaina and again we have a shore excursion booked. This is a tender port so we had breakfast in our room and then headed for the meeting place. We were ashore in no time. That is an advantage of being on a small ship. No line ups. This time our driver was Mike and he was equally talkative and informative. Soon we were off to Iao Valley. This is a sacred Valley known as the Valley of the Kings. At one point in Hawaiian History ordinary people were not allowed to enter this valley. It was the sight of many burials and there was also a major battle here so that is why it is called sacred. A special geographical feature is “The Needle” This is a volcanic pinnacle that rises over 2500 feet from the valley floor. I was so impressed with how beautiful this area is. Along the way we saw beautiful beaches and because it is Sunday there were many local families enjoying the beach. All of Hawaii’s beaches are public so everyone can enjoy the miles and miles of sand and surf. We also got to see the very private King Kamehameha golf course. I guess the plans were drawn up by Marilyn Munroe and Joe DiMaggio. The3 plans were bought and it was decided to build it exactly as Marilyn had planned, with every detail including the pink exterior. The location is spectacular affording breath taking views. Our last stop was to a tropical plantation where we saw many different crops and were treated to a coconut husking demonstration. Did you know it is against the law to have coconuts growing on trees in public areas? I guess more people were being killed by falling coconuts than were killed by sharks in a year. So coconuts must be removed from the trees that are in any public areas. It seems to me that it might be easier to just tell people not to stand under coconut trees. We returned to Lahaina, browsed some of the stalls under the Banyan Tree and then returned to the ship. The ultimate end to the day was a display put on by the whales that were playing in the waters around the ship. What more could a person ask for???

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