Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kauai, Oh My!!

Day Two We were up early, had room Service because we were booked for an excursion to Waimea Canyon here on the island of Kauai. We got to our bus right away with no problem. Our driver identified himself as Uncle Willie. He was both our driver and our guide. He began to talk as soon as we got on to the bus and he continued talking until we got off of the bus about 4 hours later. He is a native and he told us he is 74 years old. What a wealth of information he was. He knew all of the facts and all of the legends. Mark Twain named the canyon “The Grand Canyon of the Pacific” It is much smaller but it is truly spectacular... it is 3500 feet deep and the colors and layers reveals millions of years of geological activity. We passed through several small towns and stopped for photo ops. The scenery was magnificent. One stop was at the Sprouting Horn. We watched as water shot 50 feet into the air and emitted a loud grown. The effect is caused by waves crashing into the entrance of a lave tube. But I prefer the legend which says that the sound comes from a mythical lizard. Uncle Willie told us that the brother lizard missed his sisters and when he went looking for them he learned they were dead. The groan is the sound of his grief and pain as he cries for his lost sisters.

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