Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday June 7th We are in Glacier Bay again and it is just as awe inspiring and spectacular as it was the 4 times before this. The day is fair. The sun is not shining but it is high overcast so it is quite bright. My glass lenses have changed color, so that will give you an indication. We got up quite early and we had breakfast delivered to the room. Again I asked for berries and I was not disappointed. They brought a wonderful bowl of strawberries and blackberries which I thoroughly enjoyed. We saw whales and some glacier calving, and for most of the day it was not too cool. We enjoyed the balcony. This is our first time to have one in Alaska and it is a much warmer experience, believe me. The wind came up in the afternoon and the people outside on the decks looked mighty cold. At 2:00 I had an appointment to have my hair done and I was so pleased with the results. The gal, Claudette did a very nice job. Soon it was time to get ready for dinner. Tonight is lobster night plus the captain’s circle party is tonight. We dressed formally and away we went. Dinner was great, the waiter asked Ken if he wanted more lobster but unfortunately there was very little time because of the party. We were in the longest line we have ever been in. For the party we sat with the ones from our dinner table plus Wayne and Carol plus friends of Marium and Joan who are also from Burnaby. So it was an all BC group except for Gordon and Barbara. The captain gave his usual speech. The big winner as the most travelled passengers were the people we lunched with a few days ago, Mr and Mrs La Torre from Encinitas, CA. They had 625 days with Princess. We have a very long way to go to catch up to them. After the Captain’s party we headed for the Princess theatre for the production Show. It was called “Born to be Wild” The special affects with the Pink Cadillac were very intriguing but I can’t say I was very thrilled with the show itself. I would not go to it again. When the show was over we decided to call it a night.

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