Saturday, June 9, 2012

Last Day of Northbound Cruise

Friday June 8th For some people this is the last day and they have to begin packing to go home, others have to pack for the land portion of their vacation and for us it is the last day of the first cruise. I am so glad we are doing both north and South. I am so not ready to go home. We had a wonderful sleep. We are crossing the Gulf of Alaska so there was some motion on the ship last night. It just rocked us gently and we had the best sleep ever. We went to the dining room for breakfast and they seated us with a couple we had dined with before so that was fun. After breakfast Ken shopped for some rum and much to our surprise they gave it to us. Usually you get it when you disembark. We met Wayne and Carol and they are excited to have their black card already when they didn’t expect to get it until the end of the next leg. Carol and I both shopped the big sale and I picked up a tie for Gordon , our table mate. Then we went to the International cafĂ© for a coffee and Marium and Joan were there. Apparently they have a red bow in their room so they are going to get the tie box decorated and we will get the head waiter to deliver the tie to Gordon. It should be fun. Next Ken and I and Wayne and Carol checked out that game in the Casino. I played twice using the tokens we won. The game is much harder than it looks. I am so surprised that someone won the 500.00 last cruise. Next we just sat and relaxed for a while to wait for time for elevator roulette. It was played differently this time . Ken and I each won three prizes and Wayne also won 3 prizes. I got a magnet, a fan and a pen. We went to Horizon Court and had some fruit for our lunch. We spoke to the head waiter from the dining room and he is going to play along with us and deliver the tie to Gordon. He has promised to make a big deal of it . Ken went to the magic class and I came here to blog. We got dressed and went to dinner early so we could give the tie to Gabriel or Gabby as he likes to be called. Gordon was thrilled with the gift of the tie and it was so much fun to see the look on his face. Dinner was great. I had a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings. Tonight was the parade of the baked Alaskan which is always fun. All six of us are returning to Vancouver so we have another week to enjoy each others’ company. Barbara and George are meeting relatives in Whittier but Marium and Judy and Ken and I do not have anything planned. We will just relax and enjoy the ship. After dinner we went to the late show and it starred Dan Horn, a ventriloquist. We met Wayne and Carol and we went downstairs for a special coffee. Sunset tonight is at 11:18 pm and sunrise is 4:28 am so it is a very short night indeed. Whittier and cruise two begins tomorrow Gabby presents a gift to Gordon!! Surprise!

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