Monday, June 4, 2012

After we got our dining room assignment we explored a bit more and soon it was time to get ready for dinner. We made our way to the international dining room and we discovered much to our delight that table 69 is a table for 6 which we love and to top it all off it is a window table. No one else appeared but that is not unusual for the first night of a cruise. Often people stay topside to watch the sail away. Our hear waiter is Dan and his assistant is George. Prime rib was the featured meal. I had a Moracian Vegitarian Ragout. We decided to go down to Churchill Longue to see if they were showing the hockey game and they were. We arrived in time to watch the third period. At the end of that it was tied and so we decided to go for a walk in between third and overtime. We came up to our room and to our surprise and pleasure it was on the stateroom TV. So we settled in to watch the rest of the game. By the time it was over we were to lazy to go anywhere else so we called it a night. Sunday morning we were awake at five and we enjoyed sunrise from the balcony. We are so lucky again. Had breakfast in the dining room, did some shopping, peeked in at the Zumba, Entered the wake show contest, had Pub lunch with Wayne and carol ,Had a nap,dressed for formal night . Wayne and Carol brought some wine and we had a drink before dinner. Went to dinner and we are lucky again, Our dinner companions are going to be a lot of fun. One couple from Burnaby and one couple is from Phoenix. We laughed and had so much fun. I had halibut for dinner. After dinner we went to the Princes Show and then after that we went to the Piazza and saw a juggler and sword swallower. Wayne and carol and Ken and I chatted withthem after their show. They were amazing. We ended the evening by going to Club Fusion to dance a little. WOW what a busy day.

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