Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Margerie Glacier

Today was Glacier Bay sailing. We had room service for breakfast and they brought me wonderful berries again. We dressed and prepared to spend a lot of time on the balcony. After breakfast we went to the library and entered the contest for the day. Then Ken and I walked around the deck and we went up to Skywalkers. We met Carol there and when chatting with her we discovered that we had put the wrong answer in the contest. That was before noon so we dashed down to put in a new answer. Then Carol and I went to Facets to check out the Blue diamond collection. They have nothing in yellow gold and their prices are out of this world. I went back to the room and we were about to arrive at the glacier so we decided to eat in our room. I went to the Alaskan Buffet and picked up a few things for us both. After we ate Ken got dressed and he went topside to take a few pictures. At one point the naturalist poked her head around the corner of our balcony and introduced herself and said hello. By now we were at the Margerie Glacier. This is the one that calves so much so I knew the railings would be packed. I decided to stay in the room. I could hear the thunderous roars of the glacier and at one point I went out and tried to see but it was impossible so I came beck. Soon the captain turned the ship so the people in Starboard side could have a good view. It was totally amazing. He stayed for about an hour and the glacier calved almost continually. As soon as the ship turned Ken came back and we watched the action together. I got some amazing pictures. I also got a video which I will post on you tube when we get home. The sights and sounds were amazing. We were invited for drinks with Marion and Joan at 4:30 so it was soon time to dress for dinner and our visit. We went upstairs and all of the table mates plus Linda and Bill from Burnaby were there. As usual we had a fun time. After dinner we returned to the room to watch the wales. We were sailing through Icy Straits where the humpbacks feed. Most of the activity was on the Port side but we did see a couple. Next we went to the show in the Princess Theatre. Tonight the features performer was Dan Horn, a ventriloquist. We saw him on the northbound cruise but he was so good we decided to go again. He did not disappoint. After the show we went to the International Café for a specialty coffee. We ran into Wayne and Carol so we joined them. Then it was off to bed.. another wonderful day had come to an end.

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