Friday, June 15, 2012

Sunny Ketchikan

Sunny Ketchikan They continue to state that this is the place on the planet that gets the most rain, they measure the rain in feet!! This was our 6th day in Ketchikan and the sun has been shining every time. The ship docked around ten, Ken and I and Joan and Marion disembarked around 10:30 and we headed for Creek Street. I was very lucky in that there was one pair of earrings to match the pendant I bought last week. I was so pleased. Joan bought a pendant, earrings and a ring in the Australian opal. Marion said nothing. We separated and Ken and I shopped a little more. We had one more gift to buy and I found a very nice pin of native art. We had lunch back on the ship, first we were with Bill and Linda and then we finished lunch with Barbara and Gordon. They are always so much fun. Marion and Joan invited us to come to their suite for a before dinner drink, which we did. Dinner tonight was scallops and they were divine. I decided to splurge since the cruise is almost over and I had cheese cake for dessert instead of my usual sugar free choice. After dinner we all went to the theatre to see the Illusionist. He blew our minds again. We finished the evening with a night cape of special coffee at the International Café. It is so hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of our cruise and we go home on Saturday.

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