Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Five Times Sunny

Five times and still sunny!! Ken and I have now visited Ketchikan 5 times and every time it has been sunny. That would not be exceptional if it were not for the fact that Ketchikan is the wettest spot in North America if not the world. It is in a rain forest and the rain is measured in feet , not inches!! We were up early again this morning, the sun streaming in through the balcony door woke us and of course up here the sun gets up around four. We went to Horizon court for breakfast since it was too early for the dining room. We sat with the nicest couple and all of the chatting and laughing meant that breakfast took well over an hour. We dressed in layers because the sun was shining but the air was cool. It was around 12C. Anyway we walked and walked and walked and walked. We had not yet visited Creek Street so that was our ultimate destination. I have forgotten my pill case so we were on the hunt for a new one. We also had to shop for something for Leo and Emmie. We were successful on all counts. The sun shone and we ended up removing some of the layers. There were 4 ships in port so the streets and sights were very busy. Four hours after we left the ship we were checked back in. My feet and legs were so very tired I wondered if I would make it.. There was a fish bar b que at the Neptune pool deck so we decided to take it in. It was very good, and we got there before the mob. Sail away was scheduled for 1:30 and it was a little delayed because a passenger was not on board. We had a rest and before we knew it it was time to dress fro dinner. I ordered the steamed cod and I didn’t like it at all. Steamed cod seems almost like raw cod. I didn’t send it back but I ordered extra fruit with my dessert. The evening show starred a comedian and we enjoyed it. We roamed around the ship, found Wayne and Carol, made arrangements to meet at happy hour in Skywalkers tomorrow. Tomorrow we are in Juneau. The weather is supposed to be good again. YEAH!!!

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