Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Dogs???

Well disembarkation was a mess. The US government decided to check every person and every one of the over 7000 pieces of luggage for drugs.To do this they had 2 drug sniffing dogs. You can imagine the bottleneck that created. I felt so sorry for the Princess staff because they were getting all of the flack from the passengers when it was not their fault. We did manage to get off of the ship, BUT the Quick shuttle that had been ordered and paid for decided not to wait and left. To get them to return we were going to have to pay all over again and wait 45 minutes which would have made us miss our plane. Fortunately there was another shuttle service available and we got to the airport on time. So be careful about ordering quick shuttle in San Francisco... they are not reliable!! Wayne and Carol met us and we had a wonderful ride home , talking non stop all of the way. The four of us had supper together and then they dropped us off. We were really tired and so we went to bed very early. However, we missed the rocking motion of the ship and did not sleep at all well. Hopefully tonight will be better. So cruise number 16 and 17 have come to an end and we can't wait to go again. Unfortunately that will be a year from now. Can't wait!!!

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