Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On the Road Again

well we are on the road again. Actually we are parked right now. We left Abby on Tuesday morning and we crossed the border in just a few minutes then we headed down I 5. Of course we had to stop at Camping World. Ken got a new volt meter. His other one was stolen when the rig was broken into. Then we stopped at Walmart and got groceries.We always has to buy fresh food because we don't even try to guess at what is allowed into the states anymore. The drive down was great, beautiful weather. We arrived here in Ellensburg around 4 and of course that was happy hour so we had to quickly park and go to visit. I did most of the visiting while Ken hooked everything up. The group went out to dinner at a place called The Palace.I was not impressed. One of the specials was a fish taco. I had never had one but I decided to give it a try. It was by far the worst fish I had ever tasted. It was as if they had taken a chunk of old salt cod, took the salt out and then let it get hard again. That is the only time I have ever returned something I had ordered. I had the soup and a small green salad instead. We returned here, watched a bit of TV . They have very few channels here at the park so ther is really nothing to watch. I am a news junkie but Ken hates to watch US news channels. It was early to bed and up early because Ken had golf. I spent a most relaxing day. We ate all of our meals in the rig. We bought all of that food so we have to eat some of it. The wind has been blowing a gale all day. The trailer is rocking as I type. TV is not good but the internet connection is pretty good. It is great to see everyone again but we learned that 2 of our members have died this week. Larry was older and he had a severe stroke. Linda was a young woman. She is the gal who taught me to make the ribbon necklaces. She put up a brave fight against lung cancer but she lost the fight. It is scary. She didn't even have a cough or any symptoms and the doctor discovered she had cancer and it was already stage 4 with no symptoms. It makes you wonder if you are very sick and you don't even know there is a problem. We have a tour of a telephone museum and a coal mine tomorrow. They are in Cle Clum, which is about a 20 minute drive from here. It should be fun.

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