Saturday, May 19, 2012

The wind has quit, Hip Hip Hurray!! We started the day being laid back and lazy. Around 10:30 we headed into town. We took Judy and Phil with us. We luckily found a great parking spot and we explored the Farmers Market. It was on 2 city blocks and there were those canopies all along the sides of the streets which were blocked off for the market. There were lots of crafters and sellers. Then we headed for the statue of the bull which is in the pavilion. I asked a local if he would take a group picture and be was happy to oblige. The pictures he took are good and I will send them off to everyone when we get back to Abby. The group was going out to lunch but we decided to come back to the rig to eat. Ken puttered around with the CB and I finished the toque I was working on. Soon it was time to change for the catered dinner. Ken did a presentation for the golfers We finished the evening by playing card bingo. Between us we won eight dollars. Our table won at least half of the hundred dollars. Another day has come to an end. Tomorrow it is off to Toppenish.

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