Saturday, March 10, 2012

We got into Port!!

We made it into the port of Callao. This is pronounced like KI with a long I sound and ow like the word for pain , So Callo is pronounced Ki Ow. It looked dicy for awhile but because this was a fuel stop the captain had no choice. I could not believe how thick the fog was. There were times when the web camera could not show the princess flag flying from the front o f the ship, only a few feet away. The fog did finally lift and we were able to disembark around 1:30. The buses were waiting and they had been there since seven o’clock. Away we went into the city of Lima. Along the way we were shown different areas of the city. In Callo there is a law that you don’t pay property tax until you finish building your home. For this reason many of the homes do not have a roof on the top floor. This is not the great disadvantage you might think because it NEVER rains here and with the heat the breeze on that top floor is welcomed. We visited the square and saw many amazing government buildings. The architecture here is very special. The baroque style buildings are oftern hundreds of years old. Our English speaking guide took us to The Lima Catacombs which are located at San Francisco Church at the Plaza de Armas. The church was build in the 17th century. It is believed that there are close to 70,000 deceased here. The ceilings were low and it was dark and musky smelling because of the high humidity. We also saw the library which holds texts from the time that the church was built. I would have loved to actually search the stacks here but we were kept behind ropes. Our last stop on this shortened day was at the Museo Rafael Larco Hererra. This museum is known for having the largest collection of pre Columbian exhibits in the world. It offers incredible Paracas textiles, and a huge selection of pottery. We boarded our buses and returned to the port. We took a few minutes to check out the craft vendors. I bought a wonderful red cape of Alpaca which I can wear to some of the Red Hat functions. We got back in time to have dinner and after dinner we went to the hot tub. What a great day this was. There was some fog as we sailed out of the port but it was passable. We have lost 4 hours so the captain will have the petal to the metal all day tomorrow.

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