Saturday, March 17, 2012

Whales in Cabo

Cabo San Lucas The captain announced that we would be trying to get ahead of a big weather system so we would arrive here early and we would leave here 2 hours early, giving us a little more time. He figures we might end of ahead of the system or if not we will at least be able to slow down and not have to go so quickly into gale force winds and 20 foot seas. Because of this our tour was changed. At first we thought there would be a stop at Lovers Beach but there was not. We boarded the tenders and they headed for the Eco Cat. It is a huge catamaran and it would take us around the point into the Sea of Cortez to hunt for whales. We saw many of them. There were great gray whales and hump back whales. The guide told us that local folklore says they having a gray whale wave its tail at you brings 7 years of good luck. If that is indeed the case we have 35 years of good luck coming. The catamaran was great, very stable and maneuverable as well as quick. While on board they served all of the drinks you wanted. There was tequila sunrise and tequila sours as well as pina colatas and beer and whatever you wanted. It was really quite exceptional. We boarded the vessel at 9:30 and we disembarked at noon so it was wonderful. The weather co-operated which was very nice. We roamed around and finally found a place where I could shop for the new baby. I bought 2 very pretty sun dresses. I love to shop for little girls. We returned to the ship for lunch and now we are travelling at full steam, determined to make it to San Francisco in time for everyone including the captain to make their connections. This will be the last entry because our next port is San Francisco and I am quickly running out of minutes. The connections have not been good and I have been using a lot of time continually checking on the arrival of the newest family member. She arrived on March 13, she is well and so is Mom. She weighed 8lbs 5 ounces and she was 21 inches long. We can’t wait to meet her.

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