Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dum,Dum Da Dum;Dum Dum Da Dum

Thursday March 8th is a sea day and a lot is happening. We have signed up for the Ultimate Ship’s tour and today is the day. We received a letter telling us when and where to meet and giving us instructions to not wear open toe shoes or skirts or shorts and to not bring a camera or a cell phone. Or course there was one couple who arrived breaking all of the rules so we had to wait for them to come back wearing the proper footwear. It seems as if there is always someone who doesn’t read or who believes the rules do not apply to them. The tour was great. We toured the hospital, one of the many gallies, back stage and the dressing rooms, the laundry, the engine control room, the anchor area, the photo lab, the printing area, and the bridge. We were welcomed with beverages and canapés and we had champagne and more canapés on the bridge. In each location the person in charge of the department met us and answered questions. A member of the photo department came with us and took group photos in most areas. Later we each had a gift bag delivered to us. It contained a princess deluxe robe, a chef’s coat, five special group photos and we also received a personalized tablet with our name and The Star Princess imprinted on each page. We really enjoyed our 3 hour tour and we both would do it again and we recommend it to others. Then we had a quick lunch and got ready to go to the CROSSING the EQUATOR ceremony. We went topside over an hour early and we were already too late to get one of the best viewing spots. It was a riot! There were 4 who were chosen to go through the ceremony on our behalf. Passengers put their names in a box and names were chosen, supposedly at random. The fact that Vickie was one of the poly wogs made us think it was not so random. Everyone was a good sport and didn’t object to having all sorts of food stuffs dumped on them. This time it was done with the participants standing in a child’s wading pool and they simply went back to their rooms to shower off. Other years I am told it was done of the side of one of the pools and the participants were thrown in the pool afterwards. But that made a terrible mess and a lot of work for the staff to clean it all up. This was much better. After that ceremony we had to go back to our stateroom to change and get ready for another ceremony…. A more serious one this time. Connie and Derrick are renewing their wedding vows after 32 years of marriage. The captain will perform the ceremony and so it will be very special and we had the honor of being on the guest list. To make it more fun and a bit silly it was decided that we would all wear our boas and we would all bring gifts. Each couple was assigned a gift to bring. Our assigned gift was a set of 4 princess cereal bowls from Horizon court. Each bride needs to have china and crystal and silver so we each smuggled items out of the dining rooms and wrapped them appropriately. It was so much fun. The lucky couple also received napkins and towels as well as a do not disturb sign and bath products. After the ceremony the gifts were brought to their stateroom and Connie unwrapped them to a chorus of oohs and awes. Lots of laughs to be sure. But I am getting ahead of myself. The bride wore a lovely print sundress and the groom wore a tropical print shirt. The bride’s bouquet and the groom’s boutonniere were of dusty pink roses. The chapel was decorated with tulle and taper candles. I am assuming that there were about 24 invited guests. The service was very touching and was performed by the captain who looked so dashing. The bride and the groom both spoke of their love and commitment to each other. There was hardly a dry eye in the place. After the receiving line we all headed for Connie and Derrick’s stateroom. Fortunately they had a BA balcony so there was plenty of room. As we headed down the hallway Connie and Derrick were in the lead and we were all dum dum da duming at the top of our voices to the tune of”Here Comes the Bride”. The people in the staterooms we passed must have thought that we were all under the influence of too much wine. There was champagne and wine and canapés and lots of visiting and congratulating took place. The sun was shining and the sea was calm, all in all it was a perfect afternoon. This was so perfect that Ken and I are thinking that it might be a good way to celebrate 10 years of marriage for us. Something to dream about. We had time to change for dinner. We took in a show afterward and all too soon a perfect day came to a close. Great memories of a great day!!

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