Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May7th, Last full day ;-(

This is the day we seldom if ever are glad to see. Packing day!!

We spent the day tying up loose ends, writing thank you notes, gathering tip money and getting ready to leave.

We went to dinner and our other guests must have been specialty dining or ??? We had the table all to our selves.+

We said good bye to the BC friend at the table behnd us and got hugs from Widi and Bayou. They were a good group and we will miss the fun and laughter.

After that we headed for Crooners Bar. We had not yet used our coupon for a free cocktail. Ken had a Mai and I had a Captain's bounty. The location was perfect to see the beautiful sunset.

While at Crooners we were entertained from below in the Atrium. There was a saprano singing and I can tell you that I have not heard anything like her voice in person ever before. I went to the railing to get a picture. I expected to see a LARGE lady with that voice. You can imagine my surprise when I saw this little bit of a girl. I am certain she could have broken every glass in the place if she had tried.

Tomorrow we are in Vancouver. !!
I am actually looking forward to getting back to my painting.

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