Sunday, May 5, 2019


This was the day we were to meet Ken and Wendy, always a special day.

We had breakfast and when it is time to go ashore we gathered our passports and got a transit card and with to clear customs. It went smoothly and did not take a lot of time. When outside we called Wendy to report that we were off of the ship.

They picked us up and greeted us with hugs and smiles. They always make us feel so welcomed.
The big adventure today was a trip to see a falconer. They drove us to Terranea Resort.

The resort uses the services of this falconer and his birds to attempt to keep seagulls and pigeons from staying on the resort grounds. So 5 days a week John brings his birds and flies them around. I gather that just seeing a falcon or a hawk or an owl in the area convinces gulls and pigeons to find another place to roost

He was a wonderful source of information and he was very interesting.
He had an owl that he raised from a hatch-ling and we were able to actually pet it. I could not believe how soft it was or I guess I should say is.

After the falconer we went for lunch and then went to Trader Joes and then back to their home for berries and tea. Before we knew it , the time was gone and we had to head back to the ship. All Aboard was 3:30 and we got to our cabin at 3:15. Perfect timing.

We had dinner with new table mates, then I checked out some of the new stock in the stores. There are a few very nice things.

When we were back in the cabin Pinky came to the door. We are again one of the most traveled guests and because this is such a short cruise we do not get to go to a luncheon. Instead we have been given a free meal at one of the specialty restaurants. There will not be a Captain's Circle party so we have received 2 drink tickets. Our Mai Tais will be on Princess.

I will call to make a reservation in the morning. We will go tomorrow night because we do not want to leave it until the last night and tomorrow is our only choice. It will be fun but it would be better if we knew who else might be attending.

Our day came to a close.

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