Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31st

March 31st,
It is sunrise and the ship is within sight of the port of Lahaina on the island of Maui. I have gotten a couple of very nice sunrise pictures. 

This is a tender port and we have a beach day planned. We have to be in the Princess theatre at 9:45 so we can enjoy a leisurely breakfast. The sea is flat calm and it appears as if the sun will be shining all day. There is not a cloud in the sky.
Yesterday was great. As you have no doubt guessed the internet connection returned and I was able to get you caught up on our journey. We were in Nawiliwili on the island of Kauai.

 Within sight of the ship was a very nice beach. Because we could not get to the lighthouse ( it is closed on Monday) we did not book an excursion.  We decided to walk over to that beach.
Because we were not in a rush we went to the dining room and had a very nice breakfast. We dined with a couple from Langley and a gentleman from North Van. I am certain that more than three quarters of the ship is from British Columbia.
Anyway after eating we made our way back to our stateroom and we got our swimsuits on, and gathered our things and away we went. The walk was about 7 minutes.
We discovered that there are several free shuttles that run back and forth from the ship to different malls and our beach was at one of them. We had a quick look and decided that this would be a grand place to do our shopping before heading back to the ship. We could take a free shuttle and not worry about juggling packages. But first things first.
 We found a nice spot on the sand and enjoyed an hour or so playing in the water. There was a nice cooling breeze and the sun was not bright so that was a perfect prescription for sun burn. We were careful not to stay too long.

We went into and out of the stores and found our gifts for the grandchildren with no problem at all. We bought some boxes of candy to give as gifts along with our extra tips to Sad and Alvin and Joe.
We returned to the ship and decided to stop at the international café and have lunch there. It was not busy as so we got our lunch right away. We each had a small spinach quiche and an iced coffee.
When back at the room I discovered that we had internet and so that is where I spent the next couple of hours trying to catch up on the blog, post pictures and read e-mail.
Ken went to the spa to enjoy the hot tub and to shower there. The sea water is so salty that you feel sticky all over. I showered here.
We went to dinner and enjoyed the evening show in the Princess theatre. The entertainer was a magician and as is usual he left us dumbfounded. We watch these people and we can never figure out the things they do and how they ever manage to do them.
After the show we returned to our room and ended the day.
Morning continued!!

The ship is at anchor and two tenders from this side have been lowered into the water. Ken just saw a whale spout and we have hung our Canadian flag for the last time for this adventure.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Palm Sunday!!HONOLULU

Palm Sunday, March 29th
We awoke early just in time to see the first sighting of Honolulu and the island of Oahu.
Again it was strange to be pulling in and recognizing the land marks because we had been here before. The sunrise was rather unspectacular with rather ominous clouds on the horizon. We had room service for breakfast and then got ready for our day. We have booked tour number HNL -610 the Atlantis Submarine Adventure.

 It is scheduled for 10:30 till 3:30. Our adventure begins with transportation from the ship to Waikiki’s Hilton Hawaiian Village for a short boat ride with scenic views of Waikiki and Diamond Head.

 Upon arrival at the dive site we board our submarine and descend 100 feet underwater. This eye opening experience takes us beyond the classroom as we learn about coral reef life and submersibles while we visit sunken ship wrecks, airplane and artificial reefs. The friendly crew share their love of the ocean with us. With a spacious air-conditioned interior, with large view ports and comfortable seating. This one of a kind submarine gave us access to Hawaii’s sea life. It was wonderful. The corals and the fishes and the  wrecks made it so interesting. Our guide was an experienced scuba diver and he had so many interesting things to tell us.

After the submarine adventure we were allowed 2 hours to explore Waikiki before returning to the ship. It was hot and the beach was very crowded but we did manage to enjoy the water. Ken swam and I waded as usual. Then we walked a little so I could get some pictures. We picked up ice coffee at a Starbucks and shared a scone.

The return ride was uneventful but when we arrived at the ship I was beat. We shared some fruit and then I lay down. I was out like a light. I slept for a little over an hour and then it was time to get ready for dinner.
It was interesting. Sad did some magic for us. First he gave me a small piece of paper that had been folded many times. Then he asked me to count from one to ten both forwards and backwards many times. Then he stopped me and asked me to name a vegetable. I said Carrot. He then had me open the paper and on it was the word carrot. He got a round of applause and lots of laughter. I guess they play the odds. I had no idea I was so predictable.

They had the folkloric show tonight but because we had seen it only a few weeks ago we decided to return to the hot tubs on deck 16. Again it was wonderful. By this time it was dark and the lights of the city were spread out before us. The deck was empty and we had it all to ourselves. There were some clouds but there were lots of stars and the moon was shining. The ship was docked along a flight path from the local airport and we watched planes come and so. The sky was midnight blue and the stars just shone. Another magical evening.

We returned to our room and enjoyed a glass of wine on our balcony while we viewed the city lights.

Land Ho, HILO

Saturday March 28, 2015, On Land
The clocks were set back for the third time last night and so we are finally on Hawaii time
This was an interesting day to say the least. This was our day to be in Hilo and since it was our first stop in the US since leaving Canada it was necessary that we go through Immigration. Princess sent instructions on Thursday giving us times and telling everyone how important that we go to The Vista Lounge at our assigned times. Then we received another sheet with those same instructions on Friday This time they were in English and Chinese. There is a large contingent of Asian descent passengers.
The ship was due to dock at eight and our assigned time was ten. The Grand docked early and the process was to begin around 8:30. Unfortunately even though times were given to everyone there was a line up over half the length of the ship at 7:30 and the ship was still no where close to docked.  Persons with booked Princess tours were supposed to be handled early so they could connect with their tour. People with the 8:30 time were at the back of the line and people with 9:30 times were at the front of the line. Of course that made a complete mess of what should have been a smooth process. I am so glad that we did not have a tour booked for this morning. I am certain that many people with independent tours were unable to connect with their tour. You could not disembark without an immigration clearance card and those who did not follow instructions caused those who needed to get off early to be unable to. What a mess. Knowing we did not have a tour we went to the international café and visited and drank coffee until the line cleared out. We were not cleared until almost 11:30. Since it was almost lunch time we decided to eat on the ship and disembark after our lunch. We went topside and got a hot dog and came down and enjoyed it on our balcony.
Because the internet is out and since I have been unable to blog since Tuesday and because I know friends worry I decided to take the free shuttle to Wal-mart. There is a Starbucks right in that mall . I was able to post from there. The pictures are missing but at least friends and family know we are alive.
We caught the shuttle, found Starbucks, posted the blog and got back to the ship by two o’clock.
To go back to the start of our day. We awoke and saw land so we got up right away and sure enough we were on our way into the harbor. The day began with dark clouds up close to the ship and sun on the distant hills…mountains actually. Above the hills and the clouds we could see the snow capped area of the Keck Observatory. We could actually make out three of the telescopes. Ken was delighted.

We had ordered room service and by the time our breakfast arrived at eight the shower had begun so we ate inside. Then we went to the café to wait for our turn to clear immigration.
When we returned to the ship the sun was shining and it was lovely and hot. We decided to take advantage of the almost empty ship and we quickly changed and went to deck 16 to the hot tub. It was almost magical. We were almost alone with few others around. There was no one on deck 16 but we could see a few others on deck 15. The sky was as blue as could be and there was not a cloud. The water was a wonderful royal blue color. There were a few small sailboats beyond the breakwater and every now and then we would see a whole blow and splash in the distance. Memories are made of afternoons like this.

Around 3:30 we returned to our stateroom. The sun was on our balcony so I rinsed out my suit, hung it to dry and went up to deck 14 to get Ken and I ice cream and cookies…
The internet is still not in operation. I was hoping they got it repaired while we were gone but no such luck.
We dressed for dinner and had a fun time as usual. We certainly lucked out when it came to dinner companions. We certainly do enjoy our mealtimes. Erik and Rosalie were telling us all about their tour and the people talking instead of listening to the guide‘s commentary. But all in all they enjoyed their day and got a lot of wonderful pictures.
For the evening’s entertainment we went to hear a group called “These Guys”. They were fabulous!!

That was all we did, but of us were tired and ready to end the day. I discovered much to my surprise that I had quite a bit of sunburn.
Still no internet.
Tomorrow we are in Honolulu and we are taking a submarine tour.

March 27th

Friday, March 27th
We did not order room service for our breakfast this morning. Instead we went up to Horizon Court. As usual it was busy but we did get a seat with an Asian couple. They seemed very friendly and spoke right away when we sat down. But I think they were vegetarian . They had only fruit on their plate and the look of horror and stress on the face of the man as he watched Ken eat bacon. I had to smile to myself when I noted that they were both sitting almost sideways in their seats so their backs were toward Ken. Every now and then the man would sneak an unbelieving peak in Ken’s direction. When they finished breakfast and said their good byes and left we were joined by a man named Andrew MacFarlaine. He was originally from Scotland and had a wonderful accent. Currently he lives in Ponoka. Anyway we had a grand visit and then away we went. Ken was on his way to a lecture on Wales done by George McGuire and I was going to check out the sale and do some blogging, which I did in Explorers because I wanted a good seat for the presentation that was being done by Craig Richard. He had an accident while rock climbing and almost died during his attempt to get back to civilization. It had been the topic of a television show and I want to hear his account of the accident.
Next I went to the shopping host’s presentation. I picked up a few maps and a couple of coupons and that was all.
After that I came back to the room to discover that my room key no longer worked. I had purchased a magnet this morning at that sale and the magnet ended up next to my key card and that rendered it useless.
I had to get a room steward to let me in. Ken was here but he was out on the balcony and could not have heard me knock.
We decided to have an orange and a banana for lunch since we had had a nice big breakfast.
We thought about going to the Rum tasting event but we changed our minds and decided to go hunting for the Cookies and Milk people. We were a few minutes early but before long they were there with their cart and their trays of cold milk and hot fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies. Roy, Ken’s curling buddy, and his wife were there so we had a great visit with them.

We decided that tonight would be the night that we go to the One5 for cocktails so we had to dress early. I wore my dress from Bora Bora and I had a strawberry daiquiri while Ken had a rum and coke. I took my drink with me to the dining room since I had not finished it when it was time to head to the dining room.
We took in the second full show done by Al Katz and he was hilarious as usual. This was the night of the King Kamehameha festival. We watched the dancing and joined in the music for awhile.

The movie The Theory of Everything is showing in the Princess Theatre but we decided not to attend.
They were presenting the Vista version of Motor City but we do not enjot that one as much so we returned to our room and called it a day. Tomorrow we will be in Hawaii, a port after 5 days at sea.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

We are in \Hilo.
We are well
we are having a great time but there is no internet.
They say it will take a couple of days to repair it.
So I will continue to write and |I will post it whenever I can.
Sorry about the lack of pictures.

Poor or non existing internet!!

Connections to the internet have been non existent for the past day and a half so I am behind on the blog.
But we are still having a great time. The night before last while we were at dinner Erik looked at us and said that he still couldn’t believe that he was here. After having followed the blog for years  he said he was having a hard time realizing that he was actually living the blog. It is so much fun to see how much they are enjoying everything.
Yesterday was a whirlwind in a way.
I took in several events. We decided to have breakfast in Horizon court. Quite accidently we ran into Erik and Rosalie and were able to have breakfast with them. After breakfast I check out the Hawaii sale and found there was nothing I wanted to buy.
Ken went to the George McGuire lecture. After the sale I found a seat in the international café and waited for Ken to join me and for the Martini demonstration to begin. It was fun to watch and we had ring side seats so I was able to get good pictures.

After that we went back to our room. Because we had such a good breakfast we decided to only have fruit for lunch.
I went to deck 18 to try my luck at Champagne Hoopla. The object of the game was to toss a small ring and have it encircle the middle peg on a board having 5 pegs. The successful person would get a bottle of champagne. I was not successful. They gave away 3 bottle of champagne but none came in my direction. The ship was moving and the wind was blowing so it was too cool to play outside so it was done inside near the elevators. I had fun.
After that I decided to go to the art lecture. It was not very interesting and I will not go to another one of his presentations.
I decided it was time for a nap since that art director had almost put me to sleep.
I had a wake- up call all set so that we could have lots of time to get ready for dinner.
We dressed and away we went. Since we had not really eaten any lunch we were ready to eat.
Tonight the meal was diver scallops. Ken asked for a few extra and he was given 2 full meals, he was in his glory. There was another Norman Love dessert tonight. The other Ken and Erik ordered 2 desserts. They had the Norman Love and pecan Pie.


When we had finished dinner and left the dining room we stumbled upon the Hawaiian Show with Elua which was happening at Crooners. It was wonderfully entertaining, so we took it all in. There was singing and of course Hula. Erik and Rosalie happened by and we enjoyed the show together.

Then we decided to head to the Vista Lounge. Tonight Al Katz is performing and since this is such a small venue we decided to go early so we would be assured a good seat. Ken ordered his first Mai Tai of the cruise and I had a blue Hawaiian. It was sweeter than I remembered and the coconut taste certainly was stronger than I remembered but  I did enjoy it. One is enough however.

 Ziutka and Ken came to the Vista also. It was funny because when they saw us she crawled over the seats to join us.

Al Katz was hilarious. We all laughed dangerously hard. After the show we spoke with him and I passed along greetings from Vickie and Bernie.
That brought our evening to an end.
 I stumbled across the movie Sabrina, starring Harrison Ford. I watched it till it ended but Ken fell asleep almost right away. Our third full sea day had come to a very pleasant end.

Forth Sea Day has arrived.
Throughout the day the Grand Princess continued to maintain a south-westerly course across the Pacific Ocean. The ship’s map shows the trip as one long straight line from Vancouver to Hawaii. There is absolutely nothing in the way that would cause any deviation in the course.
We had room service and a very small breakfast this morning, then I went to the International Café to work on the blog. We vacated the room so Alvin could come in. Oh By the way Ken left his shoes to be shined and we left his tuxedo shirt to be cleaned.
As pre arranged Ken and I met at the Princess Theatre to hear the presentation about the life forms found in the Hawaiian coral. George McGuire is so entertaining and informative.
After the presentation I returned the computer to our room and we went to British-Style Pub Lunch. This is always a treat and it was the reason for the small breakfast. We shared a booth with a couple from Prince George and it was very pleasant. Lunch was very good and as usual it was crowded.
After lunch Ken changed into his swim suit and went topside. I went to the Vista Lounge because I wanted to hear Roy Prevost talk about the Strange laws that are still on the books in Hawaii. Actually there was very little meat to his talk. But apparently he has a business of arranging speakers  for cruise ships. I took his card because that might be something to look into .
I came back to the room and changed into my swim suit, with plans to join Ken. I roamed around and finally found him outside of the Sanctuary. He had found a place out of the wind and he was working on his tan. I checked it out and decided that it was still too cool. I continued on and in the Lotus Pool area I stopped and enjoyed a soak in the hot tub. There were two other retired teachers in the tub. We chatted and discussed the horrors of being a sub.  Soon it was almost three o’clock so I excused myself and headed back to our room. I got out of my swimsuit and put it on the balcony to dry.  Soon Ken returned sporting quite a sun burn. He sat on the balcony and I crawled under the covers and had a great nap.
Then we dressed for dinner. We decided to go Hawaiian . I wore my dress with the red hibiscus and Ken wore his lighter blue shirt. Dinner was very good as usual. I had the shrimp for the appetizer and the Mahi Mahi and I had the sugar free dessert which was not very good at all.DSCN1112.JPG

We choose to go to see Craig Richard perform. He is an amazing young man who plays saxophones. He was accompanied by the Grand Princess Orchestra and they never fail to impress. We were seated next to a very nice lady from Halifax. She is a widow and is travelling alone. She was telling us about the terrible winter they have had. She said she doesn’t mind travelling alone. She enjoys being able to come and go without worrying if it fits someone else’s schedule. She said the cost is the only drawback. I have to admit that I admire her courage.
After what was a very good show we returned to our room long enough for me to change into something warm. The ship has been cool this evening and I forgot to bring a pashima with me. We then down to the International Café. The Rhapsody Strings were performing and they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. They were even asked for an encore, and of course they obliged.
When they concluded their performance the place almost emptied out and the café was quiet and peaceful. We enjoyed a special coffee with brandy and they returned to our room to call it a night and a

wonderful day.DSCN1119.JPG

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tuesday's report!

Tuesday, I Think,
It is amazing how days seem to not matter when you are on board a cruise ship.
I think I am about to report on what we did yesterday which was Tuesday March 24.
Throughout the day the Grand Princess maintained a south-westerly course with an average speed of 19 knots. A knot is a nautical measure of speed, one knot being on nautical mile an hour.
We ordered room service and had our breakfast in our room. We had the usual of coffee and cereal and a  Danish. I requested berries but I was informed that they were not available. So we had sliced banana instead.
There were so many things to do that it was hard to decide.  At ten o’clock I went to the Holiday Store at Sea. I did a quick walk around and saw nothing that I couldn’t live without. We gave Alvin time to do the room and as we left we saw him and Ken asked for slippers. I could not believe that he returned delivering slippers a short while later. These slippers are of a waffle weave fabric  with very nice royal blue bias tape trim around the sole,so they are much nicer than the ones we had before.
We met and decided to go to the lecture on the navigational skills of the early Polynesian peoples. The lecture was given by George McGuire and as usual he was very good.
After lunch we decided to have a quiche for lunch. We got it from the Internet café and it was delicious and freshly made.
Then it was time to go to the orchid lei making. It was to take place at Sabatinis. When I got there it was announced that it would be a ribbon Lei and not an orchid lei so I decided to pass. I have made that lei before and I still have it and I didn’t particularly like it then.
We went to the shop and I found the Grand magnet that I was hoping to find. My original is of the one with Skywalkers so I wanted to one with the One5 configuration instead. We also bought a lighted magnifying glass and a chocolate bar.
Tonight is the Captain’s Welcome Aboard Party and Champagne Waterfall. That means formal dress. Rosalie and Eric invited us to come to their room for a glass of wine before dinner. That meant getting dressed very early. We had our hor d’ouvers delivered at four and luckily they arrived at 3:45. I went down and pressed Ken’s pants and we got dressed in our finery and took the goodies and headed to the EEG’s around 4:00.

For some unknown reason I developed a headache around three so I was taking aspirin and just taking it easy for the hour before time to leave. It eased up a little before dinner and was completely gone by the time dinner was over.
Since this was the first formal night there was a very special dinner menu. At the end of it we were even given a copy of the menu to keep as a souvenir.
The first Norman Love dessert was the highlight of the meal. Everyone was dressed up and so we took lots of pictures. I took a couple of our waiter and he gave me his E-mail because he would like to send a picture of him in his formal uniform to his wife. I promised to take care of that for him.
At the end of dinner we roamed out to the Atrium and right away we were given a glass of champagne. Otto( someone we met earlier) and his wife had a spot at the railing. They kindly let me push in and get a picture of the waterfall and Rui and the travelers pouring the champagne. The one tonight had rose petals and orchid petals in the glasses. That made it so colorful and beautiful.

After a refill of my glass we made our way to our room  just long enough for me to change my shoes. Then we headed to the Princess Theatre. Tonight’s entertainment is the production show “Do You Wanna Dance?”. As usual it was very high energy and even though we had seen it several times we enjoyed it tremendously. There was standing room only and it was very well received by the audience.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day One

Day One
Through the night the ship did some gentle rocking. I made it feel like we were at sea again. Normally it is so smooth that you don’t even realize you are at sea. The mattress is a bit tires so it is not the best we have ever had but it will do.
We woke at what we thought was 7:30 at first then we realized the clocks had gone back and it was only 6:30 ships time.
We finally got up and dressed and left for breakfast at 7:30 ships time. We were directed to a table for 4 and the other couple was very nice. They were about our age but they had been married only one year. They have been doing a lot of travelling so they were very interesting to visit with. I  had a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and bacon with lots of coffee.
After breakfast we went to the library to get tickets for making a fresh orchid Lei. Ken and I both got tickets and we will be at session number 2. Number one was to be today and we want to go to the Meet and Greet for Cruise Critic which was scheduled for the same time.
After we got the tickets Ken went one way and I decided to walk the stairs up to our room. I was on my way down the hall when I spied a wonderful tropical bouquet sitting on the floor outside of a room just down the hall from our stateroom. Then I saw Alvin and I asked him why the flowers were in the hall on the floor. He said he did not know but he would find out. I told him that if he had to throw them away would he please throw them into our room. Well I was in the room fewer than 5 minutes when Ken arrived and right behind him was Alvin. Alvin had the bouquet of flowers. Apparently the people in that room have an allergy and then Alvin asked his supervisor if he could bring them to me. The answer was yes and so I now have a wonderful tropical bouquet just like the one that Rosalie has.. Yeah for Alvin!!!

We decided to go to the enrichment lecture by George McGuire. He is a retired Physics professor from the Fraser Valley area. The lecture was in the Princess theatre and he will be lecturing each sea day. He is very good. Perhaps not as much fun as Gary Schaan but definitely worth listening to.

After his talk we decided to check out possible shore excursions. We choose two, a beach break in Maui and a submarine trip in Kauai. We went downstairs and happily learned that there was room on both.
Our fruit bowl arrived and we decided to share an orange and a banana and have that for lunch. We had such a good breakfast that we were not hungry
I worked on the blog and Ken rested until it was time for the Meet and Greet. There were only seven at the Meet and ||Greet but we had a great visit and we exchanged room numbers in case we wanted to get in touch again. The ship is really cool and we are wearing jackets. As we sit in the ONE5 I looked out the front windows and there were teenagers in swim suits heading for the hot tubs.  Old folks in coats and some in swim suits was the scene as we walked past the Neptune Pool.
We returned to the cabin and decided it was time for an afternoon nap.  When I woke I had a shower and got ready for dinner. I decided to wear my white and gold jacket and to add the wonder gift I got from Janet. There were two reasons, one was the fact that it matched and the other was because a scarf was warm and the ship was still feeling cool. I don’t know who is leaving the doors open but I wish they would cut it out.
When we arrived at the dining room the others were already there reading their menus. As usual we had a grand time. I had a scallop and shrimp appetizer, a mango and peach cold soup , red snapper main course and a warm chocolate cooking for dessert.
Our choice of entertainment was the impressionist Mike Wilson. Some of his impressions were good but others did not impress me.  He was in the Vista Lounge and it was also cool.

The man who dresses differently was there and Mike even had him stand. He was wearing a white suit with black poke dots. The shirt was black with white dots. He was wearing a fedora that matched the suit. We would see him up close later and the shoes were also unbelievable. The end of the shoe had to extend at least 3 inches beyond the end of his foot. Unfortunately I didn’t get pictures. Tomorrow is formal night and I hope I see him.
We strolled around for awhile and then we went to the International café for our special coffee. It was very quiet and peaceful. We enjoyed our coffee and brandy and then came back to our room to call it a night.

The sea is definitely not smooth and so we are bounced around a bit and we are lulled to sleep.

Monday, March 23, 2015

On Our Way

On Our Way,
We got up a little early and got ready to head to Vancouver. The trip in was uneventful and the traffic flowed well.
We stopped and had a little visit with Emmie and Leo. I had gifts in the bags for them and then we headed to the dock. Again the line flowed easily and we were ushered on right away. As we were in line to get registered and get our key cards we spied this older man. He was wearing the strangest outfit we had ever seen. It was bright and colorful and covered with native designs such as you would find in Alaska and in British Columbia. It consisted of a jacket  and pants and a hat and strange shoes.

We found our room and it is very nice. The balcony is not as wide and the table will not be as good for a champagne breakfast but it is a balcony and I know we will enjoy it.

Ken and I decided to have lunch at the International Café since it was almost time to see the Maitre d’ . While there Ken’s cell phone rang. It was Erik, he and Rosalie were on board.
Ken told them how to meet us and before we knew it there were hugs all round. I hurriedly finished my sandwich and headed up to Sabatini’s. That is where I could see about getting us a table together. Ken stayed with Erik and Rosalie .
I was given ticket number 7 and so I had to sit for awhile but the process went very quickly and I was successful. The four of us now have early dining and we are at table 134 in the  Da Vinci dining room.
When I met everyone outside of the dining room, who did we run into but the man in the strange clothes. We chatted and he posed for pictures. Apparently he bought the outfit on line and he has several more interesting modes of dress. It should be interesting to see what they are. He seems to be enjoying life. Oh he is from Maple Ridge by the way.

Erik and Rosalie already had their luggage in their room so they went to9 unpack and we invited them to come to our room for a glass of wine at five o’clock.
Ken and I returned to our room, we met our room steward. His name is Alvin Cervantes and my, oh my he is efficient. We asked for 4 wine glasses and within 5 minutes he was back with them. I also asked him for a vase for my flowers and  quick as a wink he was back with a vase complete with water in it.
We sat and enjoyed our room while we waited for time for Muster Drill and for our luggage. It had not arrived yet and I was beginning to become concerned. Then it was time to head for the Wheelhouse bar which was our muster station. On our way down the hall Ken spied our luggage. It was ready to be delivered so I headed out with an easy mind
The drill went well. We were next to a nice couple and we visited while we waited for the drill to begin.
When it was over we came back to our room right away because we needed to unpack and it was already after four and we had company coming at five and we had to get ready for dinner.
We succeeded and were putting the last items away when there was a knock on our door.

 Erik and Rosalie arrived. They told us that they had received a gift of a wonderful tropical flower arrangement and a photo package from their children. They had also received a gift of chocolate covered strawberries from Kim. They had pictures of the flowers, I am so jealous. But my small bouquet from Save On is nice too. Since our luggage had arrived I was able to use Ken’s scissors  to trim the stems and they look much better.

We enjoyed our wine and took lots of pictures as the ship sailed away. The skies were gray and the air was cool but it didn’t matter at all. We were going on a cruise!! Yeah. Our chocolate covered strawberries arrived. They are in milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate but they are very good and we enjoyed them. We toasted the journey and Erik took loads of pictures of the sail away.

About 5:20 we headed for the dining room. We were seated at a table for 6 and we met our staff right away. Our waiter is from India and I can’t spell his name but it stars with the letter S and it sounds like the dance Chautice. He is young and really handsome. He has a wonderful smile and he is really very friendly. His assistance is a young lady from Peru and her name is Ingrid.  After several minutes the last 2 people arrived at the table. They are from the Duncan area of Vancouver Island , his name is Ken and her name is Zulda I think. She is from Poland and with the accent it is hard to tell. But I will get her to write it down before the 2 weeks is over.

Dinner was great but because it was the first night confusion reigned and service was slow. But we used the time well visiting and getting to know our table mates. She said there was no way that I could be seventy, that I looked fifty so you know I really like her. I had the spring rolls, the Pina Colada soup, the bass and sugar free mango cheese cake for dessert. Ken had shrimp cocktail, Caesar salar, prime rib and sorbet for dessert.
It was seven thirty when we finished dinner but since we had forgotten out pills Ken and I came back to our room to get them. At around eight ten we headed for the Princess theatre so we could take in the welcome shoe. We were early enough that we got seats in the Royal Box which was fun. Where we sat we could see Erik and Rosalie and Ken and Zulda.  The dancers were very good as usual. They performed the number “One Night Only”
Then the cruise director  came out and introduced his staff and explained about the Patter etc.

 Then we were introduced to Al Katz who is a comedian and he will be doing a couple of shows. He is apparently the winner of Entertainer of the year for Princess.  He was good but we like Carlos Oscar better. Katz used the opportunity to make fun at the expense of the Asian people on board and we felt he took it a bit too far.

After the show we went to the International café and had a coffee and a snack. We did not have our brandy with us so we drank it without. By now it was after ten so we called it a night. The clocks go back an hour tonight.

We ordered our fruit but decided to have breakfast in the dining room. The sea is moving and we can see the lights of Vancouver Island from our balcony. It is cool and there are a few clouds. We did not see any northern lights.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Almost ready to leave.

Well today I am off to the salon for a manicure and a pedicure. Then I have to decide on what my friend calls lotions and potions to pack and then I am all ready to go. Ken is all packed and we will spend the rest of the day getting our hockey fix. Hopefully it will last for the next 15 days. Seldom if ever do we get to find out any news of the hockey situation. Hopefully when we return we will find out that the Canucks had made the play-offs.

We plan to leave here around 9:30 in the morning. We will go to Kerri's and have a little visit with Leo and Emmie before heading off the Canada Place. Kerri will come with us and take the Jeep back to her place.

This cruise is different from others in that it is mainly sea days. This is our forth visit to these Hawaiian islands so we have no shore excursions pre-booked. We will attend the port lectures and see what appeals to us. We plan to do a lot of the ship activities including taking in a couple of movies, hopefully the weather will co-operate and we can view them on the big screen.

I thought you might be interested in seeing the itinerary:

Sunday March 22, Vancouver, Canada Place
Monday March 23.............At Sea
Tuesday March 24,........... At Sea
Wednesday March 25,....... At Sea
Thursday March 26..........., At Sea
Friday March 27, ...............At Sea
Saturday March 28th..... Hilo,   9:am - 6:pm
Sunday March 29,Honolulu......7: am -11:pm
Monday March 30....,Kauai,  8: am -5: pm                                          Tuesday March 31....Maui,7:am-6:pm
Wednesday April 1, ...............At Sea
Thursday April 2,.................. At Sea
Friday April 3 , .....................At Sea
Saturday April 4,.................. At Sea
Sunday April 5, ...................At Sea
Monday April 6, Vancouver, Canada Place 7:30 am

I know that there will be days when we will be out of range for internet but when ever I can I will post.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dropping and Going.

I am sure that most of you know how I love to shop and how I love finding a bargain.
I am happy to report that I have been getting better about some things.
Just last week I was in Sears and they had lovely tees marked down from 22.97 to 7.49
and I did not buy one even though they had my size and a color I loved.

But sadly that resistance doesn’t apply to everything..
Princess Cruises is having what they call a Drop and Go sale on a cruise to Hawaii.
It is a 15 day Vancouver to Vancouver on the Grand Princess .
It leaves next Sunday (March 22)
I could not resist, the price was just too GRAND .
We are dropping and going.

I will be blogging so you can follow us if you like