Thursday, August 21, 2014

We are HERE!!!

It is now 5:30 UK time and we are here at our hotel, having arrived safe and sound an hour ago.

Donna and Shirley picked us up and we left promptly at 4:30
, traffic was a bit heavy but we were parked and getting our baggage checked around six. Since I had checked in on line all we had to do was drop our luggage. We decided to eat something before we went to the gate. Our plane was to begin boarding at 7:30.
Well low and behold, who do we see at the food court but Donna and Shirley. So we ate with them and had a continued great visit.

The plane boarded on time and in no time we were in the air.
This is the first time we have flown with Virgin Atlantic and we were very impressed. The service was fast and friendly, the plane was bright and clean and full. On each of our seats as we arrived were small pillows and  three cellophane packets. One packet , the largest, contained a lovely red fleece, trimmed in beige. The second one contained a set of quite nice headphones with a note saying they were ours to keep as a gift. The third was called a feel good pack. here we found a toothbrush, tooth paste ( the smallest we had ever seen) a mask for your eyes to keep out the light, ear plugs and of all things, a pair of red socks.
By the way everything is either red or royal purple. The plane had several smaller children and a couple of infants. We would discover that there were special bassinets for the babies. Before long they were bringing around a Menu. It stated that there would be complete bar service and we could have any drink of our choice free of extra charges. The meal choices were beef or chicken or a vegetarian selection. I had the chicken and Ken had the beef. I can report that both meals were superior to what I have had previously on a plane. Then before lights out they came around offering another beverage, tea or hot chocolate this time.
Lights were turned down and we tried without a lot of success to sleep. The seats were the usual sardine variety and before long I was amazed to learn that we do not have enough padding in one vital area. On the back of each seat was a television screen and we had the choice of several of the latest movies including Noah. Again at no extra cost.
Before long it was time for breakfast. This time the meal was fresh fruit, yogurt, a muffin and coffee and juice.
The plane left on time but arrived at Heathrow about 55 minutes ahead of schedule. The flight was very smooth with little or no turbulence. The landing was noisy but smooth. Ken thinks the plane which was an air bus was more quiet that he expected. There were about 250 of us on the plane.
Did you know the airplanes can have handicapped bathrooms??Well they can and they are really quite large and spacious.
As we were about to disembark the stewardess, dressed in red, came around with small packets of candy Love Hearts.
All in all I was very impressed and I would definitely fly Virgin Atlantic again.
We had no trouble finding our luggage or the Express  Coach to get us to Victoria Station. We were not scheduled to get the bus until 5:15 but they allowed us to get the 2:20 which was perfect.
The coach was big and bright and clean and since we are using the same company for all of our outings we were very pleased. Traffic was light so we got right into the station in 45 minutes instead of the hour and fifteen minutes.

Once ken got the map oriented he was able to take us right to our hotel. Dragging our heavy suitcases made me glad that it was only a five minute walk.

Checking in was fast and efficient sine we had already pre registered and paid. Computers can certainly save a lot of time.

Our room is very nice, small by North American standards but big enough and clean and bright.....more purple.

We were very tired so we had a quick one hour nap. Then at 6:30 we went down stairs to have our dinner. The food was wonderful and the price was not too bad considering where we are.  i forgot my camera so you will get picture of it tomorrow.

Then we came back here and got ready for bed. I was so tired I could hardly think. WiFi was off so I decided to wait. I just woke for a drink and a trip to the LOO and found we were back on line so that is why I am late posting..
We have a big day tomorrow so I will blog again when we get back here. Expect lots of pictures because the coverage is quick.

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