Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Well this trip has been in the planning stage for more than a year and I can hardly believe that we leave tomorrow.
We are packed and we are now checking and double checking. I guess we have pre travel jitters. But I keep telling myself that what ever we have forgotten we can get  if it is absolutely necessary or we can do without it for 6 weeks.

We learned how to use Google Earth and we have printed maps to take us to all of the places we need to find in London. Having those directions has made us feel a lot more relaxed about this adventure into a strange city of millions of people. There is so much to see and so little time. I am certain we could spend an entire month touring London and not see it all. But we are going to jam in as much as we can in the time we have.

Here is the schedule of what we have planned for the time before we sail..
Fly on August 20, Donna and Shirley are taking us to the airport.
Arrive on August 21, coach to our Hotel in Victoria district
All day London tour ending with a flight on the London Eye on August 22
Trip to Stonehenge , Lacock, Windsor Castle and Bath on August 23
Tour of Buckingham Palace and mass at Westminster Abbey on August 24
Transfer to Southampton on August 25
Trip to Winchester Cathedral and Mike's Fish and Chips on August 26th
Trip to buy wine and flowers and a transfer to the Ruby Princess on August 27th

While surfing the net I found a place in Southampton which TripAdvisor touts as the place having the very BEST fish and chips. It is called Mike's Fish and Chips and according to Google it is exactly one mile from our hotel . The map and directions are printed and we will go there on Tuesday night.
 I will report and let you know if they are right. I shall have my August French Fries there. YUM!!!


sandy in spain said...

Sounds like you´re need that TA crossing to relax with all the things you have planned in UK. Hope the UK weather is good to you (and the pavements are like cushions:-))

Unknown said...

Bon Voyage! Have a great trip, you two. It sounds amazing. We'll follow along with on your blog.
Janeen & Howard